its been a long long long time since i've update my blog. wake up at 7am to feed adriel. den decide to update le. LOL.
sigh. ive not been feeling good recently. so many prbs n conflicts occured. older generation and younger generation got a huge difference in terms of infant care.
nevertheless i still love my adriel lots lots.
adriel's full month celebration was quite a success. but it is so so so tiring. everything is worth it though. after e chalet celebration still got to go around giving out cakes to close relatives who didnt turn up. spent a bomb on everything!! LOL.
hubby decided to stop using pet pet diapers and switch to full time mamy poko. bcus adriel got a stingy butt!! when using pet pet, after e first or second urine he wA Wa wA.. no choice but to change. strangely, when using mamy poko, he can last for quite sometime. after much calculation we found out that e price is more or less e same. adriel has got a stingy/expensive butt.
im going to rebond my hair soon!!! my hair looks like grass now, cannot tahan man!! i think i will be dyeing my hair also. i dun wan bcum huang lian po. LOL. for ur info, im still v fat now. yet to shed off all my preg gained weight. sad huh.
not much houses to renovate thesedays. so hubby accompany me at home for quite some time le. im so touched by him thesedays. whenever i see him taking care of adriel n playing with him i feel so happy. he is becoming more n more patient.
went out to MSQ n parkway parade yesterday. n due to e temptation by hubby. we bought this.

it swing back n fourth automatically. got music/songs also. ok la. hubby say can keep for number 2 also. LOL!!!!