

Friday, October 28, 2011

My 1st operation

Decided to pen down my wisdom tooth operation experience:)

It all started with my lower left jaw having swollen gums and inflammation. After bearing for few days, I went to a dentist(phobia!!!) to have an XRay. And yes it is wisdom tooth growing in a wrong direction. Another good news is that it is super near the nerves and normal dentist can't get it done. I need to go to a specialist or hospital.

Decided to take out all 4 at once with GA.

Reached Alexandra hospital at 7.30am. Did some documentation procedure and head over to my ward. Changed to surgerygown, took out all jewellery and head to 3rd floor. Where the op theatre is.

The oral surgeon came explaining to me about all the risk and blah blah blah. Risk was 1percent. Meaning 99% safe. After that proceed to the op theatre and hubby went off. The Anaestetist came in as well. I was super nervous once I lie down on the operating bed. Total nurses about 10. 1 oral surgeon and 1 anaesthetist. How not to nervous!!

The anaesthetist then find my vein at hand to insert the needle with rubber tubing. Again, my phobia. Luckily he was v skillfully. I seriously don't feel any pain at all. By this time there are machines stickin on my chest area, hand and blood pressure monitoring.

He then took a super big syringe of white milky liquid and start to insert into my vein. The nurses told me she will later give me something to breathe in. Abt 30secs after the liquid was injected into me, the anaesthetist asked" do u feel sleepy?". I remembered my eyes was closing when I answered back "ya". And then straight away knock out.

When I woke up I am already at the recovery room. The nurse woke me up. And here my nightmare begins!!!!! My GA wears off totally!!! And I was in great great pain. My tears flowing and I can't talk. It feels like someone is taking a knife to cut my mouth. I used hand signal to let the nurse know that Im in pain. Anaesthetist then came back to inject me with dunno what and insert pill through behind.

I'm still in pain. Was being tortured for 20mins. Then they pushed me to my ward for me to rest. By then I felt much better. I was still on drip AT that time and my mouth was super numb. The feeling sucks to the core.

I slept on and off while waiting and nurses came to wash my mouth and change the gauze inside my mouth regularly.

About 1plus the oral surgeon came. He told me just now when the white milky substance was injected to me, my heartbeat race super fast!! To an extend it was a dangerous situation. They thought that I'm allergic to the drug and nearly wanted to call for emergency. Until I fell asleep and it went back to normal. It was just me nervous. Hahaha

He also mentioned that normally after GA the patient will not feel pain still. Normally will continue sleeping. I'm one of the rare one who experience severe pain once I woke up.

After that prepare for discharge le! Requested to bring home my wisdom tooth and packed my things. Bill came up
To 1.9k and they will send me a bill by 4 weeks time. Waited for Hubby till 3pm an he fetch me home.

Reach home eat medicine and off I went to bed. The medicine is super drowsy. After eating sure need to sleep.

Today is the 1st day after op. Woke up with a hamburger face and super pain mouth. Straight away eat medicine and now drowsily lying on bed. Yesterday ate few mouths of porridge, few mouths of meesua and half cup of ice Milo. Today dunno what to eat!!!

To be continued....