so damn damn bored lehs! 2.47am n my eyes cant seem to shut. been a week since i've update my blog. so lazy!!
i watched 2 movies during e week. ah long PTE LTD and L. ahlong pte ltd was a super funny show. me and hubby laugh till ki siao can! hahaha. we went to tampines to watch. n they got this 'why pay more' combo. 2tickets during weekend +one large popcorn+one large drink only for $23!! e large popcorn combo supposed to be 8 or 9 dollars i think. so we just have to buy another nachos n can go in cinema liao. LOL!! great savings. anyway. golden village has got this membership thing which u can apply online. fast and easy. its FOC and got many many discounts etc. if u are a movie fanatic should apply. i think one of them is e tuesday special. e movie ticket at only 6.50. can go to their webbie and apply ya.
went out with e girls on tuesday. meet serene at bugis and we watched L. okie la. not bad e show. i guess there will be another part coming out. but L dun have e handsome guy in death note 1 and 2 lehs. after that meet all of them den went to eat la mian. NICE NICE!! i think it has been a long time since we meet up lehs. cos we simply talk n talk non stop. were laughing n chatting merrily inside e restuarant. walk around bugis after that but seems like we were not shopping. more like talking while walking. LOL!! so decided to sit down at starbucks n chat till shiok shiok. too many things to chat liao la. nv-ending conversations!! xians might me getting me a sterilizer. so happy!! if not my ahlao confirm dun let me buy. boo!
today morning my ahma came. pass me some bb clothes. n bought food for me n sis. but i was still lying on bed. LOL! cos i got appt with gynae in e afternoon lehs. so tired. went to gynae n told him my mucus plug came off. but he say if got blood den admit hospital. just routine checkup and ask me to wait for signal. sian la! wait till when?!! v sian lehs. my backache can kill me! summore its difficult to walk. walk too long everywhere also pain. everytime irregular contractions. sigh. making me nervous like siao. i shit like 3-5 times a day!! everytime i eat i shit. wtf. dunno wad's happening to my intestines.
just finish washing n hanging clothes. backache got worse again. ARGHHH.
oh ya. i saw this china woman in e clinic today. from e way she dress i suppose she is one of those bi*ch who goes around seducing old man and breaking up ppl's family. she was accompanied by her fren who belong to e same species as her. i saw her giving her urine for checks n she looks abit anxious. while she wait for her results. there was this conversation between her fren and a staff. lets name her fren chinaB
chinaB: 你们这里有没有避孕药?
staff: 有啊。你须要跟医生拿。(she quote e price. but i cant remember how much)
chinaB: 那我可以拿几粒吃吗?
(e staff was abit blur by her meaning.)
chinaB: 吃一粒就一个月不会来月经,对吧?
chinaB: 每天吃???
apparently, e staff ignore her n continue doing her things. WTF! so stupid can this woman be?!! she goes fcking around with guys n dont even noe how a basic contraceptive method works?? omg. eat a pill and stop ovulation for a month?!! she is too naive. i think she cant eat everyday cos she afraid that those men would not like it. n e other china woman who is waiting for her result. i think she going for abortion. cos i overheard e staff telling her not to eat from a particular time. den quote her a price. n ask her to come down nxt day morning. i look at her tummy and i feel so disgusted. this child was probably innocent. they fck around without using and birth control methods?? when an accident occur and they abort it. KNN!! so many ppl out dere are trying so hard for a bb while these kind of ppl treat abortion as playing. i think singapore men should wake up earlier. giving hard-earned money to these kind of bitch just to satisfy ur dick. and ur poor wife at home is suffering like hell. sigh.
finally my eyes are tired. going to sleep. goodnite!

Friday, February 29, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
fcking lil boy
im sooooo bored right now!!!!! lazy to update for past few days.
went to bedok inter yesterday with hubby to eat. den shop around sheng siong and ntuc for awhile. also bought antiseptic cream for wounds and lots of those big plasters. this is for my dear hubby. cos he injured himself at work!! for 2 days summore. he came back limping one day n i was so shock to see his leg bleeding. e leg was swollen and he felt pain when he walk. actually wanted to get some bandages from pharmacy but our hse here dun have ahs. in e end decided to go clinic and get his wound clean up. doctor wanted to stitch e wound up initially. but he rejected. so just bandage n got a vaccination. wad puo shang fong thing la. total cost $81!! scary.. but e swelling really got better la. so quite worth it.
fri i went to clinic for gynae's appt. did not do any ultrasound scanning. just check e heartbeat and my blood pressure. to make sure everything's alright. bb head is engage. just got to wait for his signal. gynae said i m in my 37weeks. so i suppose my EDD will be on 14march. got to wait n wait.
will be meeting my sistas for an outing nxt week!!! so long since i've seen them lehs. hahaha. dunno they miss me nots! LOL!! i think they will get a shock if they see my size now. like a giant!! im going to make them puke by showing them my stretchmarks. HAHAHA. anyway. my stretchmarks have faded quite alot liao. not so reddish. i think i inherit from my mama. cos my big sister also got when she pregnant lehs. so it is unavoidable!!
went to eat seng kee just now. v nice!!!! i drank coconut. heard that it is good to drink once a week when near ur due date. so bb will come out cleaner. i hope it does. cos previous time i drink i kena leg cramp at night until i nearly cry. LOL. was asking hubby wad if sudd one night i wake him up n tell him my waterbag burst. will he heck care me n sleep back. LOL. he was dumbfounded. cos he is those kind of ppl who doesnt noe what he is doing during his sleep n i m not suprise if he heck care me even there is any emergencies. but he is indeed v anxious about e bb. everytime i got cramps or contractions den he will say. yan shen liao huh. hmmph. he work v hard for e sake of me n bb. he insist on going to work even though he was limping with a swollen leg. so proud of him eh!! hahaha.
ok. there was this person who pissed me off in e middle of e night. shall not reveal his name over here. he initiate a chat in msn on particular night. i cant remember e exact words in e conversation but will try to get e meaning. shall name e guy A.
A: hi. is that u in ur display pic?
ME: hihi. ya. its me.
A: u got married le?? so sudden?!
ME: ya. i got married liao. my bb will be coming out nxt month.
A: no formal dinner?
ME: nopes. i was 6months by e time i got rom. so cant possibly rush through.
A: oh.. shotgun marriage?
ME: ya. shotgun.
A: how old is ur husband?
ME: 24 this yr.
A: i ask u something but its quite rude.
A: y nv abort?
ME: wad for i abort if my guy is willing to bear full responsibilty for my bb. moreover he can support us.
shall stop here cos it was quite a short conversation. but it makes my blood boil u noe!! WTF. yah. i shotgun. WHAT SO BIG DEAL HUH! did i step on ur fcking tail!! KNN. okie. e question "y nv abort?" OMG! wad kind of human is this!! fancy asking ppl this kind of immoral question!! its ok to be rude. but! it is not only rude. but just show how dumb can this guy be. he shouldnt be labelled as a guy. i should call him a little boy. ok. this lil boy here share e same age as me. n i feel he is far too childish. even my sistas support me ok!!! they encouraged me to keep my bb when i found out i was pregnant. n they are also born in 1990 ok!! e lil boy should slap himself n bang e wall. so many ppl are trying so hard to conceive and here u are asking ppl why nv terminate e pregnancy. i was so disgusted by his words. show how immature and heartless u are. i dun mind if this lil boy were to chance upon my blog n see all these. i wil be even happier if he noe how dumb he is.
ok. im tired of all e ranting. bedtime!!
im sooooo bored right now!!!!! lazy to update for past few days.
went to bedok inter yesterday with hubby to eat. den shop around sheng siong and ntuc for awhile. also bought antiseptic cream for wounds and lots of those big plasters. this is for my dear hubby. cos he injured himself at work!! for 2 days summore. he came back limping one day n i was so shock to see his leg bleeding. e leg was swollen and he felt pain when he walk. actually wanted to get some bandages from pharmacy but our hse here dun have ahs. in e end decided to go clinic and get his wound clean up. doctor wanted to stitch e wound up initially. but he rejected. so just bandage n got a vaccination. wad puo shang fong thing la. total cost $81!! scary.. but e swelling really got better la. so quite worth it.
fri i went to clinic for gynae's appt. did not do any ultrasound scanning. just check e heartbeat and my blood pressure. to make sure everything's alright. bb head is engage. just got to wait for his signal. gynae said i m in my 37weeks. so i suppose my EDD will be on 14march. got to wait n wait.
will be meeting my sistas for an outing nxt week!!! so long since i've seen them lehs. hahaha. dunno they miss me nots! LOL!! i think they will get a shock if they see my size now. like a giant!! im going to make them puke by showing them my stretchmarks. HAHAHA. anyway. my stretchmarks have faded quite alot liao. not so reddish. i think i inherit from my mama. cos my big sister also got when she pregnant lehs. so it is unavoidable!!
went to eat seng kee just now. v nice!!!! i drank coconut. heard that it is good to drink once a week when near ur due date. so bb will come out cleaner. i hope it does. cos previous time i drink i kena leg cramp at night until i nearly cry. LOL. was asking hubby wad if sudd one night i wake him up n tell him my waterbag burst. will he heck care me n sleep back. LOL. he was dumbfounded. cos he is those kind of ppl who doesnt noe what he is doing during his sleep n i m not suprise if he heck care me even there is any emergencies. but he is indeed v anxious about e bb. everytime i got cramps or contractions den he will say. yan shen liao huh. hmmph. he work v hard for e sake of me n bb. he insist on going to work even though he was limping with a swollen leg. so proud of him eh!! hahaha.
ok. there was this person who pissed me off in e middle of e night. shall not reveal his name over here. he initiate a chat in msn on particular night. i cant remember e exact words in e conversation but will try to get e meaning. shall name e guy A.
A: hi. is that u in ur display pic?
ME: hihi. ya. its me.
A: u got married le?? so sudden?!
ME: ya. i got married liao. my bb will be coming out nxt month.
A: no formal dinner?
ME: nopes. i was 6months by e time i got rom. so cant possibly rush through.
A: oh.. shotgun marriage?
ME: ya. shotgun.
A: how old is ur husband?
ME: 24 this yr.
A: i ask u something but its quite rude.
A: y nv abort?
ME: wad for i abort if my guy is willing to bear full responsibilty for my bb. moreover he can support us.
shall stop here cos it was quite a short conversation. but it makes my blood boil u noe!! WTF. yah. i shotgun. WHAT SO BIG DEAL HUH! did i step on ur fcking tail!! KNN. okie. e question "y nv abort?" OMG! wad kind of human is this!! fancy asking ppl this kind of immoral question!! its ok to be rude. but! it is not only rude. but just show how dumb can this guy be. he shouldnt be labelled as a guy. i should call him a little boy. ok. this lil boy here share e same age as me. n i feel he is far too childish. even my sistas support me ok!!! they encouraged me to keep my bb when i found out i was pregnant. n they are also born in 1990 ok!! e lil boy should slap himself n bang e wall. so many ppl are trying so hard to conceive and here u are asking ppl why nv terminate e pregnancy. i was so disgusted by his words. show how immature and heartless u are. i dun mind if this lil boy were to chance upon my blog n see all these. i wil be even happier if he noe how dumb he is.
ok. im tired of all e ranting. bedtime!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
i know some of my frens must be bored reading my posts cos all words no pictures at all. im too lazy to upload. maybe tml? LOL. it is 3.36am now. n i cant sleep!!! SI BEH SIAN LEHS!!! whenever i lie down my bb kick n move if not he hiccup non stop. omg. kill me pls. everynite sleep for few hrs den got to go toilet. after that have to toss n turn to sleep again. SAVE ME!!!!
i practically dun feel like going anywhere. my legs pain till can die even though i only walk a short distance. i spent 70% of my time on bed. 20% in e toilet and 10% for other places. imagine how terrible i feel now.
*to be cont...
i know some of my frens must be bored reading my posts cos all words no pictures at all. im too lazy to upload. maybe tml? LOL. it is 3.36am now. n i cant sleep!!! SI BEH SIAN LEHS!!! whenever i lie down my bb kick n move if not he hiccup non stop. omg. kill me pls. everynite sleep for few hrs den got to go toilet. after that have to toss n turn to sleep again. SAVE ME!!!!
i practically dun feel like going anywhere. my legs pain till can die even though i only walk a short distance. i spent 70% of my time on bed. 20% in e toilet and 10% for other places. imagine how terrible i feel now.
*to be cont...
song changed!
changed my blog song liao. e previous song lyrics abit funny. this song v emotional. but nice nice!!
ok. im really freaking freaking bored!!!! stayed at home yesterday. i was lying on bed playing computer for e whole of sunday cos im simply too tired to walk. i dun even feel like walking to kitchen. but my bb keep pressing down my pelvic. causing me to visit e toilet VERY FREQUENTLY. even in e middle of e night i must crawl to my precious toilet. look how noble mothers are!! LOL. i think this month is e most unbearable month throughout my pregnancy. V V V V XIN KU LEHS! i keep having cramps/contractions. my backache is killing me!! summore i got v v jialat de breakouts lehs! i think is due to hormonal changes. i think i wun put my pics up in case ppl get nightmares tonight. or maybe i should take pic of my tummy n show my long-time-nv-see sistas. LOL.
i hope i wun miss ong huiyu's bday. her bday falls on 29march. n my EDD is on 21march. if bb pop out earlier i might be able to sneak out during confinement. will try my best to go but no promises ya!! wahaha.
bb has been moving around in my womb n kicking me. causing my sleepless nights.. sigh. was told that when u pregnant u wan bb to come out. but when bb come out. u feel like putting them back into ur womb again. LOL! quite a true logic i think.
yesterday hubby ask me:
DH: 你去生孩子den谁帮我洗衣服?
ME: 我坐月还要洗衣mehs? 我的也没有人洗lehs
DH: ok lohs. den 拿去楼下(laundry)洗lohs.
ME: .....
if he nv say i also dunno how e clothes going to be wash. my hubby will do hse work BUT he wun wash clothes de. weird huh. mama got to work n i dun expect my lazy sis to hang e clothes. got once i nv do laundry for some time n this is what happen.
*one fine day i saw someone threw all e soiled clothes into e washing machine n wash. i supposed mama did that n i felt glad.
(e washed clothes remained in e washing machine for 2 days!!!)
e clothes smell horrible when i walk near e washing machine.
day three: i saw some clothes were being hang to dry lerr. den i wanted to wash hubby and my clothes n realise inside e washing machine still got clothes lehs!!!! WTF!
i look up and saw all e clothes hanging were mama's clothes. WA LAU! she hang herself de only. SO ANGRY!!!!!
my clothes normally wash tgt with hubby de. only few pieces wash with mama n sis. cos they too lazy to hang.
hubby did an experiment before. to test e laziness of sis n mama.
*e shower detergent (palmolive) finish liao. e refill pack we put inside toilet tgt with e empty bottle. hubby wanted to see who will go n pour e refill into e bottle. cos it is always hubby who refill.
2nd day: nth happen.
3rd day: my hubby ask. 你们没有冲凉的啊?mama replied. 有。谁讲没有。hubby ask again: den 你们用什么冲凉?
in e end... found out they use e small bottle of WALCH. which we bring our during swims. WA LAU!! v horrible.
another time got to refill again. my hubby hide e walch n guess wad... they use e bar soap from body shop which we leave dere for donkey years liao. OMG.
hubby was stunned by all e unexpected results from his experiment. LOL
im tired. got to zZZz liao.
byebye at 5.51pm
changed my blog song liao. e previous song lyrics abit funny. this song v emotional. but nice nice!!
ok. im really freaking freaking bored!!!! stayed at home yesterday. i was lying on bed playing computer for e whole of sunday cos im simply too tired to walk. i dun even feel like walking to kitchen. but my bb keep pressing down my pelvic. causing me to visit e toilet VERY FREQUENTLY. even in e middle of e night i must crawl to my precious toilet. look how noble mothers are!! LOL. i think this month is e most unbearable month throughout my pregnancy. V V V V XIN KU LEHS! i keep having cramps/contractions. my backache is killing me!! summore i got v v jialat de breakouts lehs! i think is due to hormonal changes. i think i wun put my pics up in case ppl get nightmares tonight. or maybe i should take pic of my tummy n show my long-time-nv-see sistas. LOL.
i hope i wun miss ong huiyu's bday. her bday falls on 29march. n my EDD is on 21march. if bb pop out earlier i might be able to sneak out during confinement. will try my best to go but no promises ya!! wahaha.
bb has been moving around in my womb n kicking me. causing my sleepless nights.. sigh. was told that when u pregnant u wan bb to come out. but when bb come out. u feel like putting them back into ur womb again. LOL! quite a true logic i think.
yesterday hubby ask me:
DH: 你去生孩子den谁帮我洗衣服?
ME: 我坐月还要洗衣mehs? 我的也没有人洗lehs
DH: ok lohs. den 拿去楼下(laundry)洗lohs.
ME: .....
if he nv say i also dunno how e clothes going to be wash. my hubby will do hse work BUT he wun wash clothes de. weird huh. mama got to work n i dun expect my lazy sis to hang e clothes. got once i nv do laundry for some time n this is what happen.
*one fine day i saw someone threw all e soiled clothes into e washing machine n wash. i supposed mama did that n i felt glad.
(e washed clothes remained in e washing machine for 2 days!!!)
e clothes smell horrible when i walk near e washing machine.
day three: i saw some clothes were being hang to dry lerr. den i wanted to wash hubby and my clothes n realise inside e washing machine still got clothes lehs!!!! WTF!
i look up and saw all e clothes hanging were mama's clothes. WA LAU! she hang herself de only. SO ANGRY!!!!!
my clothes normally wash tgt with hubby de. only few pieces wash with mama n sis. cos they too lazy to hang.
hubby did an experiment before. to test e laziness of sis n mama.
*e shower detergent (palmolive) finish liao. e refill pack we put inside toilet tgt with e empty bottle. hubby wanted to see who will go n pour e refill into e bottle. cos it is always hubby who refill.
2nd day: nth happen.
3rd day: my hubby ask. 你们没有冲凉的啊?mama replied. 有。谁讲没有。hubby ask again: den 你们用什么冲凉?
in e end... found out they use e small bottle of WALCH. which we bring our during swims. WA LAU!! v horrible.
another time got to refill again. my hubby hide e walch n guess wad... they use e bar soap from body shop which we leave dere for donkey years liao. OMG.
hubby was stunned by all e unexpected results from his experiment. LOL
im tired. got to zZZz liao.
byebye at 5.51pm
Saturday, February 16, 2008
my blog readers should be thinking im crazy, blogging almost everyday!!!
yes. im indeed crazy n bored. so i shall blog when i cant get to sleep. LOL!! im dead tired today.
yesterday went to loyang to watch e performance. errr.. me n hubby abit dun understand what they performing lehs. e taiwan performers were late cos they were rehearsing for chingay. late for one plus hr lehs!! went home at 12 oclock after e show.
today morning wanted to eat at bedok reservoir market. i miss e kuay chap SO MUCH LEHS!! in e end NV OPEN!! i really fcking suey la. everytime wan eat something confirm dun have de. no choice eat e wantan mee lohs. sigh. went home take a nap and go tampines with hubby, mama and sis. hubby got craving for oyster mee sua after watching a tv programme. went to century square and intend to eat shilin de mee sua. den realise..... NO MORE SHILIN LIAO!! LOL!!! we must be damn suey!! go everywhere also no place to sit. all e restuarant got to queue. SIAN! dunno y nowadays singaporean can manage to dine at restuarant so frequently. rich ppl getting more and more. we all those middle-income families got to think n think before we decide to step into any resturants.
finally bought laundry detergent for baby. bought kodomo de and e softener. smell nice!! those stupid companies y sell so expensive!! kns. even more expensive than adults de. they trying to squeeze money from us cos they feel that we cannot do without it bahs. just like maternity clothes. si beh expensive also!! having a child in singapore is not that easy as what gvt says. i think they should revise e baby bonus. wanted to get a bb bathtub. selling at 26.90 ah. still hesitating whether to get it not. east shore will give one i think. but hubby wan those which can let baby lie down de. got to search for bathtub again.
im super super tired now!! i just washed n hang two rounds of laundry. all thanks to my lazy mama n sister who always DUN WASH CLOTHES. hubby de clothes of cos i got to wash ah. he is my boss lehs. HAHA! after that i packed my hospital bag to prepare for any emergency. den wash baby clothes, mittens, booties, towel etc etc.. got to bring out to suntan tml. poor me, pregnant still got to do so many hse work. cos my mama n sis are lazy worms.
DEATH NOTE MARATHON ARRIVE LIAO!!!!! got 2 showing dates. 3 session in total. will be held at gv grand and gv plaza. OMG! i wan to watch lehs!! is actually showing death note 1, 2 and e upcoming one. guess how much e ticket... $29 per PAIR!! PAIR OKIE! free flow of popcorn n soft drink!! OMG!! i wan i wan! anyone wans to know e details can visit gv webbie to c ah. so tempting. i knew hubby wun allow me to go cos of my anytime-labour and doctor's advise. i try to ask though. in e end kena disppointment. SIAN. if not i will call serene to go n watch with me. if i were to watch with hubby. for sure he will sleep inside. sigh. there goes my death note marathon.
im hungry!! off to eat supper!!
bye bye at 2.35am
yes. im indeed crazy n bored. so i shall blog when i cant get to sleep. LOL!! im dead tired today.
yesterday went to loyang to watch e performance. errr.. me n hubby abit dun understand what they performing lehs. e taiwan performers were late cos they were rehearsing for chingay. late for one plus hr lehs!! went home at 12 oclock after e show.
today morning wanted to eat at bedok reservoir market. i miss e kuay chap SO MUCH LEHS!! in e end NV OPEN!! i really fcking suey la. everytime wan eat something confirm dun have de. no choice eat e wantan mee lohs. sigh. went home take a nap and go tampines with hubby, mama and sis. hubby got craving for oyster mee sua after watching a tv programme. went to century square and intend to eat shilin de mee sua. den realise..... NO MORE SHILIN LIAO!! LOL!!! we must be damn suey!! go everywhere also no place to sit. all e restuarant got to queue. SIAN! dunno y nowadays singaporean can manage to dine at restuarant so frequently. rich ppl getting more and more. we all those middle-income families got to think n think before we decide to step into any resturants.
finally bought laundry detergent for baby. bought kodomo de and e softener. smell nice!! those stupid companies y sell so expensive!! kns. even more expensive than adults de. they trying to squeeze money from us cos they feel that we cannot do without it bahs. just like maternity clothes. si beh expensive also!! having a child in singapore is not that easy as what gvt says. i think they should revise e baby bonus. wanted to get a bb bathtub. selling at 26.90 ah. still hesitating whether to get it not. east shore will give one i think. but hubby wan those which can let baby lie down de. got to search for bathtub again.
im super super tired now!! i just washed n hang two rounds of laundry. all thanks to my lazy mama n sister who always DUN WASH CLOTHES. hubby de clothes of cos i got to wash ah. he is my boss lehs. HAHA! after that i packed my hospital bag to prepare for any emergency. den wash baby clothes, mittens, booties, towel etc etc.. got to bring out to suntan tml. poor me, pregnant still got to do so many hse work. cos my mama n sis are lazy worms.
DEATH NOTE MARATHON ARRIVE LIAO!!!!! got 2 showing dates. 3 session in total. will be held at gv grand and gv plaza. OMG! i wan to watch lehs!! is actually showing death note 1, 2 and e upcoming one. guess how much e ticket... $29 per PAIR!! PAIR OKIE! free flow of popcorn n soft drink!! OMG!! i wan i wan! anyone wans to know e details can visit gv webbie to c ah. so tempting. i knew hubby wun allow me to go cos of my anytime-labour and doctor's advise. i try to ask though. in e end kena disppointment. SIAN. if not i will call serene to go n watch with me. if i were to watch with hubby. for sure he will sleep inside. sigh. there goes my death note marathon.
im hungry!! off to eat supper!!
bye bye at 2.35am
Friday, February 15, 2008
in labour anytime
i can be in labour ANYTIME!!
according to gynae, im about 36 weeks now. n can go into labour anytime. but from wad i know i got to be 37weeks den consider fullterm lehs. nvm. i think it will be time soon. bb's weight is 2.4kg. pretty small but gynae say a good weight for natural birth!! wahaha. did my scan today n saw bb! LOL. estimated weight during birth is bout 2.8-2.9kg. quite small bb. it has been 2weeks since mylast appt and i maintain my weight lehs!!! nv even gain 0.1kg. WAHAHA. lucky gynae say bb is healthy if not i will be v guilty. was asked to have more rest and not roam around too much. gynae emphasize on at least 10movements felt per day, if not got to see him immediately. nxt appt will be 1 week later.
everybody is sleeping right now. mama sis and hubby. im e only one awake. only 7.38pm lehs!! will be going LYTPK later.
hubby ORDERED me to take cab to and fro e clinic. but i bluff him!! hahaha. waste money ah take cab. mrt walk awhile jiu reach liao. 2 stops only. he came back n found out that i bluff him bcus he saw e beancurd i bought at mr bean. LOL!! he getting smarter and smarter liao. cos if i take cab i wun possibly walk to mrt station to get a beancurd. smart ass.
okie. go rest liao. come back den blog again. BORED!
according to gynae, im about 36 weeks now. n can go into labour anytime. but from wad i know i got to be 37weeks den consider fullterm lehs. nvm. i think it will be time soon. bb's weight is 2.4kg. pretty small but gynae say a good weight for natural birth!! wahaha. did my scan today n saw bb! LOL. estimated weight during birth is bout 2.8-2.9kg. quite small bb. it has been 2weeks since mylast appt and i maintain my weight lehs!!! nv even gain 0.1kg. WAHAHA. lucky gynae say bb is healthy if not i will be v guilty. was asked to have more rest and not roam around too much. gynae emphasize on at least 10movements felt per day, if not got to see him immediately. nxt appt will be 1 week later.
everybody is sleeping right now. mama sis and hubby. im e only one awake. only 7.38pm lehs!! will be going LYTPK later.
hubby ORDERED me to take cab to and fro e clinic. but i bluff him!! hahaha. waste money ah take cab. mrt walk awhile jiu reach liao. 2 stops only. he came back n found out that i bluff him bcus he saw e beancurd i bought at mr bean. LOL!! he getting smarter and smarter liao. cos if i take cab i wun possibly walk to mrt station to get a beancurd. smart ass.
okie. go rest liao. come back den blog again. BORED!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
update again!!!
cos im simply too boredddd... oh yah. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!
woke up afternoon today n eat one packet of rice+ one chicken burger+half bowl of desert. LOL! i really eat alot. cos some people thought i have been starving my bb inside my tummy. hahaha. sometimes i only eat one or two meals nia. no appetite. but sometimes i can eat a cow. strange huh.
today vday but mama hubby n me went to temple. kena cheat by mama lehs. ba jia jiang tml den perform. for ur information 八家将 performers came from taiwan and it isnt easy to watch their performance. that's y hubby so eager to watch it. will be going down to temple again tml night. actually wanted to wait for 11pm to pray to tian gong(ti gong) but mama say she wan to zzZz liao. so we left e temple around 10.
decided to go seng kee to eat mee sua. cab down but but but NV OPEN! wa lau. e boss really rich ah. close for so long. confirm earn big bucks last yr. no choice but to head home le. in e end LL go downstairs eat zhi char. den saw ahda and dan. ahda was asking y hubby so long nv go sit sit. LOL. hubby too busy liao ah. busy working n earning money for new family member.
tml got clinic appointment. at 2.30pm. will be going alone cos hubby working. sobsob. got to put deposit for my delivery liao. $$$ again. i think i gained alot of weight ah cos my tummy balloon till v big wors. summore my legs swollen until like pig trotters lidat. shall update my pics up soon.
i keep shitting n shitting. dunno wtf i eat man. or maybe eat too much. den shit also alot. LOL!! enough of nonsense. i saw this in forum n found v nice quotes.
TRUST is a very important factor for all relationships. When trust is broken, it is the end of the relationship. Lack of trust leads to suspicion, suspicion generates anger, anger causes enmity and enmity may result in separation. A telephone operator told me that one day she received a phone call. She answered, "Public Utilities Board." There was silence. She repeated, "PUB." There was still no answer. When she was going to cut off the line, she heard a lady's voice, "Oh, so this is PUB. Sorry, I got the number from my Husband's pocket but I do not know whose number it is." Without mutual trust, just imagine what will happen to the couple if the telephone operator answered with just "hello" instead of "PUB".
A person visited the government matchmaker for marriage, SDU, and requested "I am looking for a spouse. Please help me to find a suitable one." The SDU officer said, "Your requirements, please." "Oh, good looking, polite, humorous, sporty, knowledgeable, good in singing and dancing. Willing to accompany me the whole day at home during my leisure hour, if I don't go out. Telling me interesting stories when I need companion for conversation and be silent when I want to rest." The officer listened carefully and replied, "I understand you need television." There is a saying that a perfect match can only be found between a blind wife and a deaf husband, because the blind wife cannot see the faults of the husband and the deaf husband cannot hear the nagging of the wife. Many couples are blind and deaf at the courting stage and dream of perpetual perfect relationship. Unfortunately, when the excitement of love wears off, they wake up and discover that marriage is not a bed of roses. The nightmare begins.
There is a Chinese saying which carries the meaning that "A speech will either prosper or ruin a nation." Many relationships break off because of wrong speech. When a couple is too close with each other, we always forget mutual respect and courtesy. We may say anything without considering if it would hurt the other party. A friend and her millionaire husband visited their construction site. A worker who wore a helmet saw her and shouted, "Hi, Emily! Remember me? We used to date in the secondary school." On the way home, her millionaire husband teased her, "Luckily you married me. Otherwise you will be the wife of a construction worker." She answered,"You should appreciate that you married me. Otherwise, he will be the millionaire and not you." Frequently exchanging these remarks plants the seed for a bad relationship. It's like a broken egg - cannot be reversed.
Different people have different perception. One man's meat could be another man's poison. A couple bought a donkey from the market. On the way home, a boy commented, "Very stupid. Why neither of them ride on the donkey? "Upon hearing that, the husband let the wife ride on the donkey. He walked besides them. Later, an old man saw it and commented, "The husband is the head of family. How can the wife ride on the donkey while the husband is on foot?" Hearing this, the wife quickly got down and let the husband ride on the donkey. Further on the way home, they met an old Lady. She commented, "How can the man ride on the donkey but let the wife walk. He is no gentleman." The husband thus quickly asked the wife to join him on the donkey. Then, they met a young man. He commented, "Poor donkey, how can you hold up the weight of two persons. They are cruel to you." Hearing that, the husband and wife immediately climbed down from the donkey and carried it on their shoulders. It seems to be the only choice left. Later, on a narrow bridge, the donkey was frightened and struggled. They lost their balance and fell into the river. You can never have everyone praise you, nor will everyone condemn you. Never in the past, not at present, and never will be in the future. Thus, do not be too bothered by others words if our conscience is clear..
"Good Life starts only when you stop wanting a better One"
" Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away "
v nice quotes ya. these are copied from a forum. i like e one on millionaire de. okie. got to go zZzz le. goodnite!
cos im simply too boredddd... oh yah. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!
woke up afternoon today n eat one packet of rice+ one chicken burger+half bowl of desert. LOL! i really eat alot. cos some people thought i have been starving my bb inside my tummy. hahaha. sometimes i only eat one or two meals nia. no appetite. but sometimes i can eat a cow. strange huh.
today vday but mama hubby n me went to temple. kena cheat by mama lehs. ba jia jiang tml den perform. for ur information 八家将 performers came from taiwan and it isnt easy to watch their performance. that's y hubby so eager to watch it. will be going down to temple again tml night. actually wanted to wait for 11pm to pray to tian gong(ti gong) but mama say she wan to zzZz liao. so we left e temple around 10.
decided to go seng kee to eat mee sua. cab down but but but NV OPEN! wa lau. e boss really rich ah. close for so long. confirm earn big bucks last yr. no choice but to head home le. in e end LL go downstairs eat zhi char. den saw ahda and dan. ahda was asking y hubby so long nv go sit sit. LOL. hubby too busy liao ah. busy working n earning money for new family member.
tml got clinic appointment. at 2.30pm. will be going alone cos hubby working. sobsob. got to put deposit for my delivery liao. $$$ again. i think i gained alot of weight ah cos my tummy balloon till v big wors. summore my legs swollen until like pig trotters lidat. shall update my pics up soon.
i keep shitting n shitting. dunno wtf i eat man. or maybe eat too much. den shit also alot. LOL!! enough of nonsense. i saw this in forum n found v nice quotes.
TRUST is a very important factor for all relationships. When trust is broken, it is the end of the relationship. Lack of trust leads to suspicion, suspicion generates anger, anger causes enmity and enmity may result in separation. A telephone operator told me that one day she received a phone call. She answered, "Public Utilities Board." There was silence. She repeated, "PUB." There was still no answer. When she was going to cut off the line, she heard a lady's voice, "Oh, so this is PUB. Sorry, I got the number from my Husband's pocket but I do not know whose number it is." Without mutual trust, just imagine what will happen to the couple if the telephone operator answered with just "hello" instead of "PUB".
A person visited the government matchmaker for marriage, SDU, and requested "I am looking for a spouse. Please help me to find a suitable one." The SDU officer said, "Your requirements, please." "Oh, good looking, polite, humorous, sporty, knowledgeable, good in singing and dancing. Willing to accompany me the whole day at home during my leisure hour, if I don't go out. Telling me interesting stories when I need companion for conversation and be silent when I want to rest." The officer listened carefully and replied, "I understand you need television." There is a saying that a perfect match can only be found between a blind wife and a deaf husband, because the blind wife cannot see the faults of the husband and the deaf husband cannot hear the nagging of the wife. Many couples are blind and deaf at the courting stage and dream of perpetual perfect relationship. Unfortunately, when the excitement of love wears off, they wake up and discover that marriage is not a bed of roses. The nightmare begins.
There is a Chinese saying which carries the meaning that "A speech will either prosper or ruin a nation." Many relationships break off because of wrong speech. When a couple is too close with each other, we always forget mutual respect and courtesy. We may say anything without considering if it would hurt the other party. A friend and her millionaire husband visited their construction site. A worker who wore a helmet saw her and shouted, "Hi, Emily! Remember me? We used to date in the secondary school." On the way home, her millionaire husband teased her, "Luckily you married me. Otherwise you will be the wife of a construction worker." She answered,"You should appreciate that you married me. Otherwise, he will be the millionaire and not you." Frequently exchanging these remarks plants the seed for a bad relationship. It's like a broken egg - cannot be reversed.
Different people have different perception. One man's meat could be another man's poison. A couple bought a donkey from the market. On the way home, a boy commented, "Very stupid. Why neither of them ride on the donkey? "Upon hearing that, the husband let the wife ride on the donkey. He walked besides them. Later, an old man saw it and commented, "The husband is the head of family. How can the wife ride on the donkey while the husband is on foot?" Hearing this, the wife quickly got down and let the husband ride on the donkey. Further on the way home, they met an old Lady. She commented, "How can the man ride on the donkey but let the wife walk. He is no gentleman." The husband thus quickly asked the wife to join him on the donkey. Then, they met a young man. He commented, "Poor donkey, how can you hold up the weight of two persons. They are cruel to you." Hearing that, the husband and wife immediately climbed down from the donkey and carried it on their shoulders. It seems to be the only choice left. Later, on a narrow bridge, the donkey was frightened and struggled. They lost their balance and fell into the river. You can never have everyone praise you, nor will everyone condemn you. Never in the past, not at present, and never will be in the future. Thus, do not be too bothered by others words if our conscience is clear..
"Good Life starts only when you stop wanting a better One"
" Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away "
v nice quotes ya. these are copied from a forum. i like e one on millionaire de. okie. got to go zZzz le. goodnite!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
it is 12.30am le. those couples must be outside romantic romantic liao. if not guys will be planning for suprises tml. LOL. after considering for some time. me n hubby decide to save e present money and get things for bb instead. hahaha!! actually i want to get a wallet for him but but but... i cannot go out without him. nvm. will save e money and buy bb items. got money every day also vday la.
anyway. mama, hubby, me and sis went to zhen fa steamboat to eat today. lucky nv go marina south again cos there all close liao. for ur information. zhenfa is located at novena liao. just opposite e catholic church. price is $18.90 nett for adults. not e usual $12 le. but they have sushi bar, salad and dessert bar. renovation is quite good and they play country/classic songs which is VERY NICE!!! as usual, they have live prawns and crabs. it is much more hygenic than what it was in marina south. no rats no cockroaches etc etc... but they dun provide e hot plate for bbq liao. they have a small area where u can bring ur meat crabs or prawns to bbq over e charcoal. i feel is better cos u dun smell of bbq when u go home. LOL. there are chef over there to fry vege or meat for u de. also got satay. e feeling like pariss buffet lidat, but not so classy la.
overall e environment is quite nice. but e drinks v expensive. $2 for coke and sprite. $2.20 for ice lemon tea. mineral water $1.5o. place not as big as MS. ingredients not so much like last time. but they got more variety of meat. v worth e money unless u are a small eater!! we went home with a v v v v full stomach. LOL!!!
tml got to go temple with mama. hubby want to watch e ba jia jiang from taiwan.
im so freaking bored right now. hubby zZZz liao. my eyes still like goldfish lidat. sigh. sleep early also not good. later tml wake up too early v sian. lucky i got my blog to kill time ah. hubby dun approve of me getting a steriliser. he say waste money!! !!%^&@#$#%$ it will be more convenient for me sterilising bottles and pump ma. but he say use traditional method jiu can liao. dot dot dot. i think i got to tell him "technology makes our life simpler". we got to make full use of technology. yeah, shall tell him tml.
was wondering how shall my bb full month celebration be held. was supposed to hold a banquet but according to my traditional mama. guan yin ma say cannot hold too grand. mama suggested a chalet. but but but. v v troublesome lehs. i now already v tired from all e backaches liao. after giving birth got to take care of bb even worse. i told hubby if i too tired to plan i will go without e chalet. organising a chalet isnt as easy as abc. so much effort.
e last time hubby club is 6 months ago. if he nv say i also nv realise. LOL. for me i think bout 7-8 months ago. i was around 7weeks pregnant when i last step into MOS. dunno y last time we can spend so much money one night just to get ourselves drunk like fck and hangover e nxt day. i think unless im super rich i wun spend so much to club lerr. or maybe drink lesser? LOL. im glad i have a damn cao lao face which allows me to enter zouk anytime without any difficulties. leaving me with no regrets now. wahaha.
i wanted to wash bb clothes and prepare my hospital bag today. den found out i left out e bb laundry detergent. how blur can i get.
im trying to think of things to blog cos im really super duper bored right now.
i got so many pics to post but im too lazy to do so. even my rom pics i haven resize and put up yet. LOL. im a lazy lazy worm. tml got to wash hubby clothes lerr. got so many things not yet done. so sian!!!
oh ya. dear butter matured lerr!! we dun have to tie her up when we go out liao. cos she wun do funny things even if she is alone!! claps claps. so proud of her!!
my stretchmarks is so damn fcking itchy. cannot tahan man!! sigh. everytime i see my stretchmarks i feel so upset. it is really DAMN DAMN UGLY!! i walked like a penguin now n mama say that i look like 70yr old ahma walking. i hate to climb stairs n walk long distance now. cos my speed is like a tortoise. but but but. these few days got so many things to do. after 2 more weeks i think i will be at home most of e time to wait for bb arrival.
it is 12.30am le. those couples must be outside romantic romantic liao. if not guys will be planning for suprises tml. LOL. after considering for some time. me n hubby decide to save e present money and get things for bb instead. hahaha!! actually i want to get a wallet for him but but but... i cannot go out without him. nvm. will save e money and buy bb items. got money every day also vday la.
anyway. mama, hubby, me and sis went to zhen fa steamboat to eat today. lucky nv go marina south again cos there all close liao. for ur information. zhenfa is located at novena liao. just opposite e catholic church. price is $18.90 nett for adults. not e usual $12 le. but they have sushi bar, salad and dessert bar. renovation is quite good and they play country/classic songs which is VERY NICE!!! as usual, they have live prawns and crabs. it is much more hygenic than what it was in marina south. no rats no cockroaches etc etc... but they dun provide e hot plate for bbq liao. they have a small area where u can bring ur meat crabs or prawns to bbq over e charcoal. i feel is better cos u dun smell of bbq when u go home. LOL. there are chef over there to fry vege or meat for u de. also got satay. e feeling like pariss buffet lidat, but not so classy la.
overall e environment is quite nice. but e drinks v expensive. $2 for coke and sprite. $2.20 for ice lemon tea. mineral water $1.5o. place not as big as MS. ingredients not so much like last time. but they got more variety of meat. v worth e money unless u are a small eater!! we went home with a v v v v full stomach. LOL!!!
tml got to go temple with mama. hubby want to watch e ba jia jiang from taiwan.
im so freaking bored right now. hubby zZZz liao. my eyes still like goldfish lidat. sigh. sleep early also not good. later tml wake up too early v sian. lucky i got my blog to kill time ah. hubby dun approve of me getting a steriliser. he say waste money!! !!%^&@#$#%$ it will be more convenient for me sterilising bottles and pump ma. but he say use traditional method jiu can liao. dot dot dot. i think i got to tell him "technology makes our life simpler". we got to make full use of technology. yeah, shall tell him tml.
was wondering how shall my bb full month celebration be held. was supposed to hold a banquet but according to my traditional mama. guan yin ma say cannot hold too grand. mama suggested a chalet. but but but. v v troublesome lehs. i now already v tired from all e backaches liao. after giving birth got to take care of bb even worse. i told hubby if i too tired to plan i will go without e chalet. organising a chalet isnt as easy as abc. so much effort.
e last time hubby club is 6 months ago. if he nv say i also nv realise. LOL. for me i think bout 7-8 months ago. i was around 7weeks pregnant when i last step into MOS. dunno y last time we can spend so much money one night just to get ourselves drunk like fck and hangover e nxt day. i think unless im super rich i wun spend so much to club lerr. or maybe drink lesser? LOL. im glad i have a damn cao lao face which allows me to enter zouk anytime without any difficulties. leaving me with no regrets now. wahaha.
i wanted to wash bb clothes and prepare my hospital bag today. den found out i left out e bb laundry detergent. how blur can i get.
im trying to think of things to blog cos im really super duper bored right now.
i got so many pics to post but im too lazy to do so. even my rom pics i haven resize and put up yet. LOL. im a lazy lazy worm. tml got to wash hubby clothes lerr. got so many things not yet done. so sian!!!
oh ya. dear butter matured lerr!! we dun have to tie her up when we go out liao. cos she wun do funny things even if she is alone!! claps claps. so proud of her!!
my stretchmarks is so damn fcking itchy. cannot tahan man!! sigh. everytime i see my stretchmarks i feel so upset. it is really DAMN DAMN UGLY!! i walked like a penguin now n mama say that i look like 70yr old ahma walking. i hate to climb stairs n walk long distance now. cos my speed is like a tortoise. but but but. these few days got so many things to do. after 2 more weeks i think i will be at home most of e time to wait for bb arrival.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
*continued from previous post.
did not go suntec cos too lazy liao. LOL. hubby brought me to kaki bukit de baby's hyperstore instead. nothing much lehs.e price more or less same as department stores. wasted my trip down.
i just woke up from my beauty sleep. so damn fcking tired. hubby is still sleeping lehs and im so damn freaking hungry. dunno he will wake up or will sleep until tml. zzZZz.
vday is on thurs! i kept thinkin is fri. which means i din get any present for hubby liao. im not suppose to go out alone how to buy. even if buy also use his money, makes no diff. LOL. although me n hubby tgt only for 1.5yrs. but seems that our relationship matured very quickly. think maybe is bcus we living tgt for so long lerr, makes us feel like lao fu lao qi. HAHA. no more hong hong lie lie de ai qing. but just stable and on-going love. hong hong lie lie is too tedious for me, what i need is a peaceful love. wahaha.
spent so much money buying bb stuff and setting aside money for delivery. poor hubby got to slog like hell again after cny. its okie for us to save and scrimp cos we want the best for our bb!! i nv thought that i would actually compare prices like 40yrs old auntie, even mama nv do that. i understand why some mothers would eat e fish bones and give all e meat to their kids. it's mother/human nature which cannot be explain.
thinking back e time where i realise i was pregnant, i felt so foolish. abortion is one of my choice cos i was still studying/working. i backed out at e very last minute. im really glad i did not take any step further, if not will regret like hell now. in e end got to give up my job(which im v happy to do so) and my studies. e initial period was so horrible. i think i nearly got depression. LOL. due to my hormonal changes, i always hu si luan xiang. causing arguement between me n hubby. i also got to bear with e harsh comments which ppl give and those yan shen they give. perhaps i can ignore sometimes, but most of e times i dun feel good. i have to admit it wasn't easy to walk through that stage, u got to have lots of encouragement from ur family and husband. anyway. now i can close both eyes and ears when ppl talk bout me. IT IS OKIE!! u can say whatever pleases u. i dun give a damn shit. because im more excited to c my bb more than anything else!! i think i should write a book on young mamas. LOL!
serene yow's fav idol edison got himself into deep shit. naked photos burn into a disc are selling hot in china. i feel so sad for e gers. some gals strip and they earn loads and loads of money. eg. tang wei. or actresses who shoot nude album and filmed x-rated shows. they would have been well paid. but gillian and other gals now become 'cheapskate' stars. maybe they should use their brains and think before they allow anyone to take all these pics. maybe u can say celebraties are human beings. but they are also considered as public images. whatever they do they got to think of e consequences. saw e papers today which make me sympathise for cecilia. she was crying and papers state that she beg nicholas tse not to divorce her. though i dun like her but her face really look sad..
okie. im so damn hungry now. got to dig for food liao. byebye!
did not go suntec cos too lazy liao. LOL. hubby brought me to kaki bukit de baby's hyperstore instead. nothing much lehs.e price more or less same as department stores. wasted my trip down.
i just woke up from my beauty sleep. so damn fcking tired. hubby is still sleeping lehs and im so damn freaking hungry. dunno he will wake up or will sleep until tml. zzZZz.
vday is on thurs! i kept thinkin is fri. which means i din get any present for hubby liao. im not suppose to go out alone how to buy. even if buy also use his money, makes no diff. LOL. although me n hubby tgt only for 1.5yrs. but seems that our relationship matured very quickly. think maybe is bcus we living tgt for so long lerr, makes us feel like lao fu lao qi. HAHA. no more hong hong lie lie de ai qing. but just stable and on-going love. hong hong lie lie is too tedious for me, what i need is a peaceful love. wahaha.
spent so much money buying bb stuff and setting aside money for delivery. poor hubby got to slog like hell again after cny. its okie for us to save and scrimp cos we want the best for our bb!! i nv thought that i would actually compare prices like 40yrs old auntie, even mama nv do that. i understand why some mothers would eat e fish bones and give all e meat to their kids. it's mother/human nature which cannot be explain.
thinking back e time where i realise i was pregnant, i felt so foolish. abortion is one of my choice cos i was still studying/working. i backed out at e very last minute. im really glad i did not take any step further, if not will regret like hell now. in e end got to give up my job(which im v happy to do so) and my studies. e initial period was so horrible. i think i nearly got depression. LOL. due to my hormonal changes, i always hu si luan xiang. causing arguement between me n hubby. i also got to bear with e harsh comments which ppl give and those yan shen they give. perhaps i can ignore sometimes, but most of e times i dun feel good. i have to admit it wasn't easy to walk through that stage, u got to have lots of encouragement from ur family and husband. anyway. now i can close both eyes and ears when ppl talk bout me. IT IS OKIE!! u can say whatever pleases u. i dun give a damn shit. because im more excited to c my bb more than anything else!! i think i should write a book on young mamas. LOL!
serene yow's fav idol edison got himself into deep shit. naked photos burn into a disc are selling hot in china. i feel so sad for e gers. some gals strip and they earn loads and loads of money. eg. tang wei. or actresses who shoot nude album and filmed x-rated shows. they would have been well paid. but gillian and other gals now become 'cheapskate' stars. maybe they should use their brains and think before they allow anyone to take all these pics. maybe u can say celebraties are human beings. but they are also considered as public images. whatever they do they got to think of e consequences. saw e papers today which make me sympathise for cecilia. she was crying and papers state that she beg nicholas tse not to divorce her. though i dun like her but her face really look sad..
okie. im so damn hungry now. got to dig for food liao. byebye!
Monday, February 11, 2008
im rotting at home waiting for e playpen and mattress to arrive.. so bored!!! im suppose to go suntec and change e helicopter for hubby. but got to wait for e delivery to arrive 1st. ARGHHH..
me n hubby went to suntec yesterday. dunno how many times i've been going there. my plan was to eat e teochew porridge buffet at joaquim. i thought they closes at 4+ den reach dere found out they close at 3!!!!!!! KNS! i wanted to eat e buffet so much!!! e buffet lunch is from 11-3pm nia. im looking for ppl to go eat with me. $9.90 nett. mon-fri.
i officially got rid of my la pi xiao xin eyebrow without spending a cent. hubby plucked for me!!! LOL! suprisingly, he did a v good job.
playpen arrive liao. i got to go out le. come back n update later! =)
me n hubby went to suntec yesterday. dunno how many times i've been going there. my plan was to eat e teochew porridge buffet at joaquim. i thought they closes at 4+ den reach dere found out they close at 3!!!!!!! KNS! i wanted to eat e buffet so much!!! e buffet lunch is from 11-3pm nia. im looking for ppl to go eat with me. $9.90 nett. mon-fri.
i officially got rid of my la pi xiao xin eyebrow without spending a cent. hubby plucked for me!!! LOL! suprisingly, he did a v good job.
playpen arrive liao. i got to go out le. come back n update later! =)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
WEEEEE!!!!!!!! its CNY!
no more angbao for me liao.. sob sob. these few days cny quite bored ah. spend few days going to temple to pray pray. i dunno how many donkey years nv go bai nian liao. waiting for nxt year to go malaysia during cny lehs. hubby say there got fire cracker all that, not like singapore si beh sian.
me n hubby went to bugis to pray guan yin ma. it was very crowded even though today already chu san liao. after that went to pass huiyu angbao since im passing by there. she is forever so busy. LOL. i bought a pair of maternity pants and a pair of bedroom slipper for my confinement. hubby finally got a helicopter(remote control type) for himself after hesitating for a year. LOL. i still think it is not practical but since he like it den let him buy ba. wahaha. me n hubby meet mama and sis at marina bay and intend to go eat steamboat. when we were about to board bus 400, e uncle say steamboat nv open!!!!! WTF. i go all e way to marina bay den tell me dun have. so dulan. in e end went to geylang eat frog leg porridge and niu rou hor fun. i wanted to eat dou hua nxt door de but they shifted to lor 27 i think. another disappointment.
i finally got my avent pump!!! i spent dunno how much in John Little MSQ. got avent teats and bb shampoo and some bb clothes and stuff. after much research and comments from experience mamas. i got playpen instead of bb cot. got them at JL with e mattress at 28% discount. V WORTH IT! LOL. i got some nursing and maternity lingerie at women's secret also. v v comfortable. wahaha.
my stretchmark is horrendous!!! omfg. whenever i look into e mirror i feel like vomiting. my horrible stretchmarks, my pig trotters, my ball face and my ugly hair. my whole figure go haywire. that day saw my long-time-no-see de ahma and family. they commented that me n my sis King Size. MY HEART BLEED IMMEDIATELY!! so sad upon hearing e comments. i wasnt lidat in e past u noe!!! i was wearing size S or M de. not XL!! sigh. i swear i will diet n diet until i get to my pre-pregnancy weight.
i m leaking colustrum liao. abit gao wei sometimes. also experiencing false labour contractions. i abit scared lehs. cos my due date on 21march. got bout one mnth plus to go. cannot deliver now, bb consider premature liao. my tummy gets tighten very frequently and bb movement not as much as before le. going to put e deposit this friday at e clinic. e nurse also scared i anytime emergency wan give birth ah. so better put deposit 1st. got to pack my hospital bag soon and get bb stuff ready le. so excited!!
tml going to LYTPK to bai tai sui. i cannot pray cos i preggie. hubby got to pray. i think will be going JL to buy some bb stuff cos hubby going to resume work soon since im not suppose to go out without him(mama's instruction). should be visiting chun dao he pan tml nite. not sure but c how it goes!
i think i should post more to update my sistas and frens viewing my blog. cos i noe i seldom on my phone cos i lazy to charge. LOL. its 2.45am. BEDTIME. goodnite!
no more angbao for me liao.. sob sob. these few days cny quite bored ah. spend few days going to temple to pray pray. i dunno how many donkey years nv go bai nian liao. waiting for nxt year to go malaysia during cny lehs. hubby say there got fire cracker all that, not like singapore si beh sian.
me n hubby went to bugis to pray guan yin ma. it was very crowded even though today already chu san liao. after that went to pass huiyu angbao since im passing by there. she is forever so busy. LOL. i bought a pair of maternity pants and a pair of bedroom slipper for my confinement. hubby finally got a helicopter(remote control type) for himself after hesitating for a year. LOL. i still think it is not practical but since he like it den let him buy ba. wahaha. me n hubby meet mama and sis at marina bay and intend to go eat steamboat. when we were about to board bus 400, e uncle say steamboat nv open!!!!! WTF. i go all e way to marina bay den tell me dun have. so dulan. in e end went to geylang eat frog leg porridge and niu rou hor fun. i wanted to eat dou hua nxt door de but they shifted to lor 27 i think. another disappointment.
i finally got my avent pump!!! i spent dunno how much in John Little MSQ. got avent teats and bb shampoo and some bb clothes and stuff. after much research and comments from experience mamas. i got playpen instead of bb cot. got them at JL with e mattress at 28% discount. V WORTH IT! LOL. i got some nursing and maternity lingerie at women's secret also. v v comfortable. wahaha.
my stretchmark is horrendous!!! omfg. whenever i look into e mirror i feel like vomiting. my horrible stretchmarks, my pig trotters, my ball face and my ugly hair. my whole figure go haywire. that day saw my long-time-no-see de ahma and family. they commented that me n my sis King Size. MY HEART BLEED IMMEDIATELY!! so sad upon hearing e comments. i wasnt lidat in e past u noe!!! i was wearing size S or M de. not XL!! sigh. i swear i will diet n diet until i get to my pre-pregnancy weight.
i m leaking colustrum liao. abit gao wei sometimes. also experiencing false labour contractions. i abit scared lehs. cos my due date on 21march. got bout one mnth plus to go. cannot deliver now, bb consider premature liao. my tummy gets tighten very frequently and bb movement not as much as before le. going to put e deposit this friday at e clinic. e nurse also scared i anytime emergency wan give birth ah. so better put deposit 1st. got to pack my hospital bag soon and get bb stuff ready le. so excited!!
tml going to LYTPK to bai tai sui. i cannot pray cos i preggie. hubby got to pray. i think will be going JL to buy some bb stuff cos hubby going to resume work soon since im not suppose to go out without him(mama's instruction). should be visiting chun dao he pan tml nite. not sure but c how it goes!
i think i should post more to update my sistas and frens viewing my blog. cos i noe i seldom on my phone cos i lazy to charge. LOL. its 2.45am. BEDTIME. goodnite!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
time flies! 2 weeks since i update my blog. wahaha.
hubby has officially started his 'annual leave'. so we have been slacking around everyday. we went to john little sale and bought new bedsheet and quilt for CNY. we went during weekend but guess wad? there was no crowd!! maybe there was not much advertisement done. but e price was higher as compared to e previous mega sale, so i din buy much things.
dh brought me to tampines mall to watch The House. i kpkb v long and at last he allow me to watch horror movie!! he got those ahma thinking that pregnant cannot watch horror shows. it was a typical ghost show though. i think i only enjoy my popcorn and nachos throughout e show. after that went to eat roti prata at geylang serai although we just ate ding tai feng before e movie. good appetite huh.
mama hubby and me went to chinatown after getting haircut at bedok res. e hairstylist thought i give birth liao. she ask me y nv bring bb down den my sister was like huh? bb is in her tummy. LOL. she say bb hide until v good thats y cant really c ah. saw huiyu mum and she commented e same thing also. enen zhang da alot liao!! i remember last time huiyu n i love to disturb her and make her fake cry. time flies man. hubby say enen v pretty lehs. i knew he wanted a ger ger. but too bad, his Y sperm swim faster. LOL!! chinatown was very packed. i cling on to hubby so that no one will push me. hahaha. ate at chang cheng porridge store and bought some CNY goodies.
went to e doctor on 1st feb. something happen and scare e shit out of me. upon reaching e clinic, i pass my appointment card to the nurse. i was given a strip of paper to urine on. after getting e strip done, i pass it back to e nurse. and den she "aiyo". i was thinking 'siao liao la. dunno wtf happen'. i went back to my seat and told hubby wad happen. he say i think too much. 'DING' its my turn liao. i went in to e doctor's room and this is our conversation.
DOC: hi, how are you? everything alright?
Me: ya. everything's alright.
DOC: lina, do you have any family members who have any diabetic history?
Me: huh? dun have lehs. (i thinking wtf, this time jialat liao)
DOC: cos i found out that ur urine is very sweet and might have ants inside.
Me: (ANTS? die liao)
DOC: did u eat anything sweet today?
Me: GOT!! i drank one packet of very sweet soyabean drink(tow hua zui)
DOC: i will need to do a blood test for sugar level for u.
Me: HUH? blood test ah! (i turn over n look at hubby, i v restless liao)
Hubby: bu tong de la. yi xia zi er yi.
DOC:(preparing all e stuff and i saw a needle!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!! den he *prick* and squeeze my blood and drip onto e small machine.)
Me:(cursing and swearing inside @#!$%$%@)
i blur for a moment and was thinking what if results came out and i got diabeties? i freak out liao.
DOC: sugar level is normal and u have no diabeties. maybe is e drink u took in e morning.
can u imagine e horror i was going through?!! damn fcking scary la. after that doc just check bb's heartbeat and my blood pressure. he saw my stretchmarks and offer me his clinic de stretchmark cream. since hubby is there to pay so i just take lohs. LOL. who knows e cream cost around $50!!! palmer's de cream only 20+ and mothercare de $18 nia. nvm. if this can get rid of my disgusting stretchmarks i dun mind paying twice e amt.
e time is 4:27am. i cant sleep lehs!! sigh. just went to ikea yesterday with mama n hubby. mama also go sheng siong to buy some stuff for CNY. there was this very kind hearted lady at the ikea restuarant. while we were standing around looking for ppl who are going to finish their food, this lady signal me over to her place. she with her husband and her kids who was about to finish their food. she ask me to take a seat beside her first since they are going to leave soon. bcus im pregnant!!! so good for being pregnant lehs. LOL! and we got a table shortly after we arrive at e restuarant. all thanks to my bb. LOL.
doctor ask me to rest more and avoid standing or walking too much. but i have been going all around singapore these few days. hahaha. cus i hope i will have a short and sweet labour. i dun wan to push until bin chair chair and bb still dun wan come out. lol.
a few more days to CNY!! i haven pluck eyebrow yet. i look like la pi xiao xin now. e fcking thick eyebrow which make me look like a guy. i think will be going to orchard to pluck tml. have to walk with my swollen legs again. sian.
ok im going to zzZZz liao. goodnite!
hubby has officially started his 'annual leave'. so we have been slacking around everyday. we went to john little sale and bought new bedsheet and quilt for CNY. we went during weekend but guess wad? there was no crowd!! maybe there was not much advertisement done. but e price was higher as compared to e previous mega sale, so i din buy much things.
dh brought me to tampines mall to watch The House. i kpkb v long and at last he allow me to watch horror movie!! he got those ahma thinking that pregnant cannot watch horror shows. it was a typical ghost show though. i think i only enjoy my popcorn and nachos throughout e show. after that went to eat roti prata at geylang serai although we just ate ding tai feng before e movie. good appetite huh.
mama hubby and me went to chinatown after getting haircut at bedok res. e hairstylist thought i give birth liao. she ask me y nv bring bb down den my sister was like huh? bb is in her tummy. LOL. she say bb hide until v good thats y cant really c ah. saw huiyu mum and she commented e same thing also. enen zhang da alot liao!! i remember last time huiyu n i love to disturb her and make her fake cry. time flies man. hubby say enen v pretty lehs. i knew he wanted a ger ger. but too bad, his Y sperm swim faster. LOL!! chinatown was very packed. i cling on to hubby so that no one will push me. hahaha. ate at chang cheng porridge store and bought some CNY goodies.
went to e doctor on 1st feb. something happen and scare e shit out of me. upon reaching e clinic, i pass my appointment card to the nurse. i was given a strip of paper to urine on. after getting e strip done, i pass it back to e nurse. and den she "aiyo". i was thinking 'siao liao la. dunno wtf happen'. i went back to my seat and told hubby wad happen. he say i think too much. 'DING' its my turn liao. i went in to e doctor's room and this is our conversation.
DOC: hi, how are you? everything alright?
Me: ya. everything's alright.
DOC: lina, do you have any family members who have any diabetic history?
Me: huh? dun have lehs. (i thinking wtf, this time jialat liao)
DOC: cos i found out that ur urine is very sweet and might have ants inside.
Me: (ANTS? die liao)
DOC: did u eat anything sweet today?
Me: GOT!! i drank one packet of very sweet soyabean drink(tow hua zui)
DOC: i will need to do a blood test for sugar level for u.
Me: HUH? blood test ah! (i turn over n look at hubby, i v restless liao)
Hubby: bu tong de la. yi xia zi er yi.
DOC:(preparing all e stuff and i saw a needle!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!! den he *prick* and squeeze my blood and drip onto e small machine.)
Me:(cursing and swearing inside @#!$%$%@)
i blur for a moment and was thinking what if results came out and i got diabeties? i freak out liao.
DOC: sugar level is normal and u have no diabeties. maybe is e drink u took in e morning.
can u imagine e horror i was going through?!! damn fcking scary la. after that doc just check bb's heartbeat and my blood pressure. he saw my stretchmarks and offer me his clinic de stretchmark cream. since hubby is there to pay so i just take lohs. LOL. who knows e cream cost around $50!!! palmer's de cream only 20+ and mothercare de $18 nia. nvm. if this can get rid of my disgusting stretchmarks i dun mind paying twice e amt.
e time is 4:27am. i cant sleep lehs!! sigh. just went to ikea yesterday with mama n hubby. mama also go sheng siong to buy some stuff for CNY. there was this very kind hearted lady at the ikea restuarant. while we were standing around looking for ppl who are going to finish their food, this lady signal me over to her place. she with her husband and her kids who was about to finish their food. she ask me to take a seat beside her first since they are going to leave soon. bcus im pregnant!!! so good for being pregnant lehs. LOL! and we got a table shortly after we arrive at e restuarant. all thanks to my bb. LOL.
doctor ask me to rest more and avoid standing or walking too much. but i have been going all around singapore these few days. hahaha. cus i hope i will have a short and sweet labour. i dun wan to push until bin chair chair and bb still dun wan come out. lol.
a few more days to CNY!! i haven pluck eyebrow yet. i look like la pi xiao xin now. e fcking thick eyebrow which make me look like a guy. i think will be going to orchard to pluck tml. have to walk with my swollen legs again. sian.
ok im going to zzZZz liao. goodnite!
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