time flies! 2 weeks since i update my blog. wahaha.
hubby has officially started his 'annual leave'. so we have been slacking around everyday. we went to john little sale and bought new bedsheet and quilt for CNY. we went during weekend but guess wad? there was no crowd!! maybe there was not much advertisement done. but e price was higher as compared to e previous mega sale, so i din buy much things.
dh brought me to tampines mall to watch The House. i kpkb v long and at last he allow me to watch horror movie!! he got those ahma thinking that pregnant cannot watch horror shows. it was a typical ghost show though. i think i only enjoy my popcorn and nachos throughout e show. after that went to eat roti prata at geylang serai although we just ate ding tai feng before e movie. good appetite huh.
mama hubby and me went to chinatown after getting haircut at bedok res. e hairstylist thought i give birth liao. she ask me y nv bring bb down den my sister was like huh? bb is in her tummy. LOL. she say bb hide until v good thats y cant really c ah. saw huiyu mum and she commented e same thing also. enen zhang da alot liao!! i remember last time huiyu n i love to disturb her and make her fake cry. time flies man. hubby say enen v pretty lehs. i knew he wanted a ger ger. but too bad, his Y sperm swim faster. LOL!! chinatown was very packed. i cling on to hubby so that no one will push me. hahaha. ate at chang cheng porridge store and bought some CNY goodies.
went to e doctor on 1st feb. something happen and scare e shit out of me. upon reaching e clinic, i pass my appointment card to the nurse. i was given a strip of paper to urine on. after getting e strip done, i pass it back to e nurse. and den she "aiyo". i was thinking 'siao liao la. dunno wtf happen'. i went back to my seat and told hubby wad happen. he say i think too much. 'DING' its my turn liao. i went in to e doctor's room and this is our conversation.
DOC: hi, how are you? everything alright?
Me: ya. everything's alright.
DOC: lina, do you have any family members who have any diabetic history?
Me: huh? dun have lehs. (i thinking wtf, this time jialat liao)
DOC: cos i found out that ur urine is very sweet and might have ants inside.
Me: (ANTS? die liao)
DOC: did u eat anything sweet today?
Me: GOT!! i drank one packet of very sweet soyabean drink(tow hua zui)
DOC: i will need to do a blood test for sugar level for u.
Me: HUH? blood test ah! (i turn over n look at hubby, i v restless liao)
Hubby: bu tong de la. yi xia zi er yi.
DOC:(preparing all e stuff and i saw a needle!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!! den he *prick* and squeeze my blood and drip onto e small machine.)
Me:(cursing and swearing inside @#!$%$%@)
i blur for a moment and was thinking what if results came out and i got diabeties? i freak out liao.
DOC: sugar level is normal and u have no diabeties. maybe is e drink u took in e morning.
can u imagine e horror i was going through?!! damn fcking scary la. after that doc just check bb's heartbeat and my blood pressure. he saw my stretchmarks and offer me his clinic de stretchmark cream. since hubby is there to pay so i just take lohs. LOL. who knows e cream cost around $50!!! palmer's de cream only 20+ and mothercare de $18 nia. nvm. if this can get rid of my disgusting stretchmarks i dun mind paying twice e amt.
e time is 4:27am. i cant sleep lehs!! sigh. just went to ikea yesterday with mama n hubby. mama also go sheng siong to buy some stuff for CNY. there was this very kind hearted lady at the ikea restuarant. while we were standing around looking for ppl who are going to finish their food, this lady signal me over to her place. she with her husband and her kids who was about to finish their food. she ask me to take a seat beside her first since they are going to leave soon. bcus im pregnant!!! so good for being pregnant lehs. LOL! and we got a table shortly after we arrive at e restuarant. all thanks to my bb. LOL.
doctor ask me to rest more and avoid standing or walking too much. but i have been going all around singapore these few days. hahaha. cus i hope i will have a short and sweet labour. i dun wan to push until bin chair chair and bb still dun wan come out. lol.
a few more days to CNY!! i haven pluck eyebrow yet. i look like la pi xiao xin now. e fcking thick eyebrow which make me look like a guy. i think will be going to orchard to pluck tml. have to walk with my swollen legs again. sian.
ok im going to zzZZz liao. goodnite!
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