on e 2th of march i admit myself into east shore due to contractions. admitted at around 4plus. was lead to labour ward n strap to CTG monitoring machine. contractions regular but not intense yet. e nurse check dilation for me only 1cm. sigh. this moment i knew i came in too early. but nonetheless i feel that 030308 is a nice date for bb to arrive.
gynae came after i had my dinner at around 7. fish porridge. hubby also went down cafe to have his dinner le. actually suppose to break my waterbag. i was 2cm dilated n decided to put me observation 1st.
i din catch any sleep for e whole night. so gan chiong lehs. how to sleep!! hubby was with me throughout e whole night. i opt for 4 bedded ward. so i actually got a v good deal. LOLS!! i just waited patiently for e sun while e nurses keep coming in to check on me n take my blood pressure.
3rd of march. this is where my nightmare begins.bout 6 plus i was given e liquid to squeeze inside my asshole to clear my bowels. OMG! i feel so uncomfortable can. n i got to keep e liquid in for as long as i can tahan. e nurse say around 5min. i was shivering cos i feel so horrible!!! i think i rush into toilet after 1minute. LOL.around 7 plus gynae came to break my waterbag. i was being put on drip to induce. i saw e needle n nearly fainted!! who say put drip not pain!! my hubby lie to me!! after putting on e drip i dun dare to move my hand n again i was shivering like mad n my face turned pale with my hand holding on to my ahlao as hard as i can. time goes by as i manage with my contractions. i wanted a drug-free labour. i tried using e gas mask with hubby guiding me cos he was a medic before. e feeling like drunk n seh de feeling ah. v funny. hahaha. meanwhile hubby went down to eat and puff in between e waiting time.
when my gynae came i was feeling quite painful lerr. but i try to tahan e pain bah. e time is around 1pm. checked my dilation. still at 2cm!!!! omfg. 7hrs liao!! n i pain for so long. i was so devastated. i broke down in tears n hug on to my hubby. i told him i dun wan c section. he saw me lidat he also v helpless. den he ask me to take pain relief. i still hesitating. den e nurse who attend to me yesterday when i admit in told me to take e thigh injection 1st. cos it can help me relax my muscle so thatmy labour can progress. i heed her advice n took e jab. again is needles!! after e jab i was shivering like hell again. phobia of needles. she told me to take e laughing gas whenever i feel e contractioons. so my i can dilate faster. after e injection i still can feel e contractions. but not that intense le. i still can take a quick nap. until around 4 i feeling e contractions SO PAIN!!!!! i like wan die liao can!!! i feeling e bb pushing his way out liao. den i ask hubby to call for nurse. e nurse check my dilation together with my contractions coming. OMG!!!! E PAIN!!! i shouting like mad when she put her fingers in n dig so hard!! i shouting n screaming at that point of time liao. hubby asked me to take another dose of thigh injection. cos i die die dun wan epidural. oh ya. my dilation was only 4cm!! after e 2nd dose i feel alot better. i depend on e gas mask again. den hubby keep dapping water onto my lips cos i v thirsty n cannot drink any water. so jialat.
gynae reach about 5plus if i remember correctly. cos i was too exhausted liao. check dilation. again 4cm. he v encouraging. say that i will give birth soon cos bb head is v v low liao. just that my cervix haven fully dilated. he went out n i continue with my waiting game. i already v drowsy using e laughing gas lerr. not sure of e surrounding. i remember not long after i shouting n say bb is coming out liao. den ask hubby to get me e young nurse. cos she check not that pain. i feel got somthing drilling his way down. e nurse came in n check i was shouting n screaming like nobody business. was 7cm dilated. after she check e pain is UNBEARABLE!! i feel all e muscle was pushing e bb out n my bb also drilling his way out. i scream as loud as i can n i remember i took off e laughin gas n shout "BABY COMING OUT LIAO!!". den e fcking old nurse say bb not so easy come out de. kns. hubby put e laughin gas onto me tightly. n i breathing it for 10-15mins without taking out. at this point of time i was knocked out. hubby told me i fan bai yan liao. means my eye only can see white white liao.
den sudd i got e urge to shit. i shout n scream again. den out of a sudden my gynae came in. i heard him asking if i need vacuum to suck bb out cos scared i no energy lerr. i shook my head vigourously. i will push no matter how hard it is. after that i heard voices saying i can start to push le. i so happy can!! i push n push. within fewpushes adriel is out!! i feel like a gush of thing spurt out from below. den they put bb onto my body as soon as he was taken out. e nurse announced e time 7plus. i shocked can!! i thought it is still evening. i think i was abit unconscious cos of e laughing gas. e feeling so great!! finally its over. gynae den deliver my placenta. i did not see it though. was told by hubby that placenta look v gross. i felt a needle poke my below. i suppose im being stitch up. i did not feel any pain despite e phobia i had for needles.imagine e extreme of labour pain!! nearly kill me can. i slept straight after i was being clean up. n hubby went down to look for my sis n mum n his family.
after awhile i was being pushed to my ward. v sad hubby cannot stay cos alr 9 liao. i got to stay in bed for 6 hrs before i can get down. hubby say he v heartpain when see me in such pain. even if got to emergency c section he also dun mind. LOL. i cried when i was in my ward with all e lights off cos i wish hubby is with me leh. i got v traumatised by e labour pain. i so missed my hubby at that time. i think nxt child i definitely opt for single bed with hubby staying over. anyway that sums up my labour story. i go zZzz liao. type these from 3am-4am. adriel is going to wake up anytime for his milk. i got to take a nap 1st.
one day old*
he smile!

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