T.G.I.F everyone!
To me everyday seems to be the same lol. weekends weekdays 都没分别.
Changed a new look for my blog! Added in the old Chat box. I am amazed that I actually remember the password for Cbox account.
2 more days before the kids school start. more than half a year gone in 2014. so fast!!!! can’t wait for the kids to finish their holidays and i can get a breather.
was thinking of our family tree today. (perhaps my church is emphasising on family recently).
For me it is damn simple. I only have a grandmother who is not blood-related(my father’s step-mother). my parents and her are on very bad terms because she actually ill-treat my dad when he was young. and the 姑姑(s) are also not related by blood. no contact nothing.
My grandma treated me better than last time after I gave birth to 2 sons. LOL! she has got quite a traditional thinking la. if not last time she don’t care about me. nonetheless, i appreciate her coming from AMK all the way to Eunos almost everyday to cook for me and bring all the food she buy. She is already 80plus years old.
I rarely visit her, less than once a year? LOL. after I moved out she went to my mum’s place to find the kids but we are not at my mum’s place. My mum refused to give her my new address and told her she doesn’t know where I’m staying now. hmmmm...
anyway, back to my side of tree. my dad, mum, elder sister and one eldest step sister with grandmother. that is all we have. lol.
Hubby one is just as opposite. He has got a big family down there. Due to some reasons, we are no longer in contact la. to them perhaps I’m the damn bitchy or whatever they want to call it. I don’t like to be pretentious so i voice out whenever i get upset or angry. and partly because of this we fell out with them especially his immediate family members.
With my character it is almost impossible to live in harmony with them la. i usually don’t care how people look at me. i say whatever is not right and i don’t like others to meddle or interfere with my problems or life. even my mum she let us be on our own because i hate ppl nagging and talking just for the sake of it. I think i am the worst daughter-in-law in his whole family tree can lol!
its been almost 2 years there is no contact between hubby and his own family side. sometimes i do wonder if he will want to patch things up. but he has got no reaction lol. if u ask me, i will prefer our lives just like normal now. i don’t hate them, i just choose to ignore. ignorance is bliss isn’t it? lol!
once his eldest cousin talked to me in fb. i told him we have move on in life. and yes we don’t harp on the past, just move forward and don’t look back. like i said before, whatever they like to talk behind my back so be it.
one thing for sure i am not comfortable with. one of his relative gave the supplier our home address to allow him to come up and chase the debts. and it became the debt collector harassment saga. how great can that be LOL.
whatever it is, i believe God planned everything out. it is not for me to judge but for him to.
hubby cooked maggi goreng yesterday night. He became e chef and i was the assistant. LOL! Delicious and sinful at the same time! no amount of money can buy these kind of feel.
Time to cook dinner for the kids!
Signing off with love

Friday, June 27, 2014
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
A post to be remembered
Nothing special to blog about in my life actually. nothing interesting when I’m staying at home everyday right. Except for doing the chores, market-ing, cooking and surfing the net.
It is gonna be friday tomorrow and I should restrain myself from looking at fb at night. There will be tons of food pictures.
This sunday will be combined service at suntec for the church at 4pm. to go or not to go? 出去又要花钱. damn sian. Dress code will be white because of the pink dot on sat.
Our church pastor has been very outspoken on the pink dot LGBT issue from the start. I agree with what he means by, we are not discriminating them. we just don’t want to normalise it in singapore. I can’t help but to think for my kids and the future generations to come. I am not implying that LGBT is abnormal or whatever. ultimately they are still humans created by God. there are great people in them as well. But i am more concern to educate my kids though. not to tell them that they can choose either sex for their future partners and it is normal.
There are many many people who will definitely shoot me back la. but wait till you have kids and u tell me if that will be acceptable ya?
I am waiting patiently for 2 important letters to come. Signing agreement of lease from HDB and offer letter from temasek poly.
Pulling myself out of bed at 5.30am every morning to make hubb breakfast and lunch for him to bring to work. luckily i am able to sleep back after i finished. and he is gaining weight for sure. LOL. imagine his breakfast is 3 pieces of bread with cheese and egg with ALOT of mayo(he requested), and lunch is 2x normal portion of rice with fried yong tau fu or nuggets etc. Whatever it is, it is still healthier than hawker food.
I seldom eat out nowadays, cannot take the overloaded MSG and salt. ate the curry rice with serene and hy at bedok inter and for the rest of the day i feel so dehydrated.
now i know why i lost 10+kg since i become a stay-at-home-mum. I cook for my own meals and i use much much lesser oil. if you are reading my blog and want to lose weight, this is what i do:
Boil my own pork bone or chicken stock. put into the fridge and remove all the oil e next day (it will be floating up). When you are hungry, take some stock, put in the ingredients u like to eat, for me is usually yong tau fu or mince chicken/pork with tang hoon or beehoon and lots and lots of vege.
Cheap, healthy and don’t need to starve. LOL!!!
For a start i actually didn’t plan to lose weight. slowly when i realise my weight is dropping. then i decided to have a target weight of 50kg and will stop. its getting stuck at 53 and i give up on dieting.
Actually 很简单,没钱自然会瘦。
that explains when i was earning the most i am a whooping 65kg! didn’t think of dieting at that time la. earning money was the important thing in my mind! until when become broke then feel that i should be keeping myself in shape. i don’t want people to say “你看,她好像auntie酱。才24岁 leh”. without money as sense of security, this is the best thing i can give to myself.
i was “reminiscing” last year events when we just close the company. that was a crazy period for us! really grateful that I’ve been through that transition period and i dunno how we did that. When you decided enough is enough, you close the company stop all the earnings and dunno where your next meal will fall on where and at the same time you have got HEAVY debts behind you.
Within 1 month, hubby got himself a job and I took the kids out of the private childcare and enrolled them into government’s kindergarten. we did a 180 degrees change in lifestyle and i try my best to adapt to it. the most difficult issue to handle is the debts. and damn the debt collector hired by suppliers. they gave me hell of a time.
Up till now, debts are still not totally cleared yet. but slowly and steadily it is progressing. and i thank god that everything is falling into place now.
Some might ask, why close down such a good business? to be honest, we actually wanted to close back in 2012. held back and the debts started to roll and roll. the ball gets bigger and bigger until i decided to stop. too many “events” going on that period of time. I don’t blame anyone except myself. whatever it is, there is actually solution to a negative business. I just got too emotional. Anyway, that was the past and what is important is the present and future. the reason i am penning it down because i can read back maybe 5 or 10 years later? lol. Getting rich in future or not, 我不强求. perhaps just a moderate lifestyle with stable income.
Since my blog is now open to public. there will be people who read and judge me. go ahead and judge whatever you can. lol. I have the guts to write down all these and i don’t care how you gonna see me. Sorry but i am not someone who paints a beautiful portrait of my life trying to make people jealous or envy la.
Signing off with memories,
It is gonna be friday tomorrow and I should restrain myself from looking at fb at night. There will be tons of food pictures.
This sunday will be combined service at suntec for the church at 4pm. to go or not to go? 出去又要花钱. damn sian. Dress code will be white because of the pink dot on sat.
Our church pastor has been very outspoken on the pink dot LGBT issue from the start. I agree with what he means by, we are not discriminating them. we just don’t want to normalise it in singapore. I can’t help but to think for my kids and the future generations to come. I am not implying that LGBT is abnormal or whatever. ultimately they are still humans created by God. there are great people in them as well. But i am more concern to educate my kids though. not to tell them that they can choose either sex for their future partners and it is normal.
There are many many people who will definitely shoot me back la. but wait till you have kids and u tell me if that will be acceptable ya?
I am waiting patiently for 2 important letters to come. Signing agreement of lease from HDB and offer letter from temasek poly.
Pulling myself out of bed at 5.30am every morning to make hubb breakfast and lunch for him to bring to work. luckily i am able to sleep back after i finished. and he is gaining weight for sure. LOL. imagine his breakfast is 3 pieces of bread with cheese and egg with ALOT of mayo(he requested), and lunch is 2x normal portion of rice with fried yong tau fu or nuggets etc. Whatever it is, it is still healthier than hawker food.
I seldom eat out nowadays, cannot take the overloaded MSG and salt. ate the curry rice with serene and hy at bedok inter and for the rest of the day i feel so dehydrated.
now i know why i lost 10+kg since i become a stay-at-home-mum. I cook for my own meals and i use much much lesser oil. if you are reading my blog and want to lose weight, this is what i do:
Boil my own pork bone or chicken stock. put into the fridge and remove all the oil e next day (it will be floating up). When you are hungry, take some stock, put in the ingredients u like to eat, for me is usually yong tau fu or mince chicken/pork with tang hoon or beehoon and lots and lots of vege.
Cheap, healthy and don’t need to starve. LOL!!!
For a start i actually didn’t plan to lose weight. slowly when i realise my weight is dropping. then i decided to have a target weight of 50kg and will stop. its getting stuck at 53 and i give up on dieting.
Actually 很简单,没钱自然会瘦。
that explains when i was earning the most i am a whooping 65kg! didn’t think of dieting at that time la. earning money was the important thing in my mind! until when become broke then feel that i should be keeping myself in shape. i don’t want people to say “你看,她好像auntie酱。才24岁 leh”. without money as sense of security, this is the best thing i can give to myself.
i was “reminiscing” last year events when we just close the company. that was a crazy period for us! really grateful that I’ve been through that transition period and i dunno how we did that. When you decided enough is enough, you close the company stop all the earnings and dunno where your next meal will fall on where and at the same time you have got HEAVY debts behind you.
Within 1 month, hubby got himself a job and I took the kids out of the private childcare and enrolled them into government’s kindergarten. we did a 180 degrees change in lifestyle and i try my best to adapt to it. the most difficult issue to handle is the debts. and damn the debt collector hired by suppliers. they gave me hell of a time.
Up till now, debts are still not totally cleared yet. but slowly and steadily it is progressing. and i thank god that everything is falling into place now.
Some might ask, why close down such a good business? to be honest, we actually wanted to close back in 2012. held back and the debts started to roll and roll. the ball gets bigger and bigger until i decided to stop. too many “events” going on that period of time. I don’t blame anyone except myself. whatever it is, there is actually solution to a negative business. I just got too emotional. Anyway, that was the past and what is important is the present and future. the reason i am penning it down because i can read back maybe 5 or 10 years later? lol. Getting rich in future or not, 我不强求. perhaps just a moderate lifestyle with stable income.
Since my blog is now open to public. there will be people who read and judge me. go ahead and judge whatever you can. lol. I have the guts to write down all these and i don’t care how you gonna see me. Sorry but i am not someone who paints a beautiful portrait of my life trying to make people jealous or envy la.
Signing off with memories,
Monday, June 23, 2014
Life at peace
Not much of happening over the weekend. lol.
Church on sat and back to mum place on Sunday. Supposed to bring the kids to pasir ris park on Sunday with hubby. but the scorching sun is really too much for us.
Lunch with the girls yesterday was great! although a simple lunch at coffeeshop, it is still enjoyed very much. lol. I am grateful and blessed to have 2 wonderful girls in my life. we sort each other advices regardless of small or big issues. Because we know that we will have the true advices. we don’t fake ourselves and give advices which are nice to the ear but doesn’t benefit at all. Some people who like to boasts about the number of friends they have, how good the friendship is etc. It is just a show to others lol. we don’t take photos often and post in social media to tell the world we are best of the best friends. LOL. What good does it do to tell the whole world about having so many friends but none are true?
Kids are starting their school soon and back to the busy life again. the thought of travelling to Tampines and walking 10 mins journey to Adriel’s DAS school every sat morning puts me off seriously. But for the sake of his education, I need to endure!!!! Just 1 term of tuition 2 hours every week, he can write sentences and read. before he start, he can’t even read a simple word like dog or cat.
What happened to him is that he is a dyslexic child. It is not some kind of illness or what. It is a difficulty in reading and his brain works differently from majority of the children. Thank God that he is consider a mild case and I noticed it early.
Last year, while I was coaching him at home with assessment books, i nearly bang the wall because he simply does not understand what i am talking about. Even with simple words like he, she,we, he can’t remember the first word after few seconds. I admit I was stressed and at the same time I stressed him out as well. I realised that he have a problem there and I approached my step sister who have 2 children in primary school.
She told me her daughter is dyslexic and I research more on it. I monitored for 1 month and i had a strong feel that he is. brought him to a private psychologist and spend about 700 for the diagnostic test and report. straight away we was told that there are signs of dyslexia in him.
I was relieved actually. because at least I know why he has got low self esteem and having problems with reading and spelling. I apply him to get into DAS (dyslexia association of Singapore) which is funded by gvt. waited for almost half a year before placement into Tampines branch.
The monthly fees is crazily high at 700 plus per term. Which is 230 per month. Thank God my bursary application got approved and I’m paying 10% of what is required.
During the process of getting him to the psychologist everything, I met with many obstacles. Hubby was e one who supported me throughout the whole process. He encouraged me tgt with my sister. Really appreciate it very much.
The kindergarten school especially, persuading me that Adriel is alright. If he is dyslexic then a lot of students will be already etc. Even after getting the report, Principal called and advice me not to place him into the intervention programme by DAS, worrying the stigma of having labelled as dyslexic by others. I appreciate the school giving advices but I believe my own observation and the professional report.
I talked to many parents at DAS, some actually only got in this year and their kids are in primary 6 already! one of them actually know something is wrong at primary 3. but teachers said it is alright, have to practice more and study more etc. keep dragging until primary 5 and got kan chiong because PSLE is near. the mum finally brought her to psychologist and found out it is dyslexia. the mum regretted so much not to stand on own beliefs. And the poor girl is struggling up till now and have so much to catch up.
Actually Lee Kuan Yew have dyslexia as well. so it doesn’t mean having dyslexia is not smart. lol!!
If i get offer from Temasek Poly, i will need time management to monitor the kid’s homework etc. at the same time doing my own. LOL!! Both are equally important though. At least I will graduate when the eldest one in primary 2. Which is still their honeymoon period of primary school.
overslept today and didn’t cook breakfast and lunch for hubby! i need to stop my 赖床 habit!!!
Signing off with lots of things in mind,
Church on sat and back to mum place on Sunday. Supposed to bring the kids to pasir ris park on Sunday with hubby. but the scorching sun is really too much for us.
Lunch with the girls yesterday was great! although a simple lunch at coffeeshop, it is still enjoyed very much. lol. I am grateful and blessed to have 2 wonderful girls in my life. we sort each other advices regardless of small or big issues. Because we know that we will have the true advices. we don’t fake ourselves and give advices which are nice to the ear but doesn’t benefit at all. Some people who like to boasts about the number of friends they have, how good the friendship is etc. It is just a show to others lol. we don’t take photos often and post in social media to tell the world we are best of the best friends. LOL. What good does it do to tell the whole world about having so many friends but none are true?
Kids are starting their school soon and back to the busy life again. the thought of travelling to Tampines and walking 10 mins journey to Adriel’s DAS school every sat morning puts me off seriously. But for the sake of his education, I need to endure!!!! Just 1 term of tuition 2 hours every week, he can write sentences and read. before he start, he can’t even read a simple word like dog or cat.
What happened to him is that he is a dyslexic child. It is not some kind of illness or what. It is a difficulty in reading and his brain works differently from majority of the children. Thank God that he is consider a mild case and I noticed it early.
Last year, while I was coaching him at home with assessment books, i nearly bang the wall because he simply does not understand what i am talking about. Even with simple words like he, she,we, he can’t remember the first word after few seconds. I admit I was stressed and at the same time I stressed him out as well. I realised that he have a problem there and I approached my step sister who have 2 children in primary school.
She told me her daughter is dyslexic and I research more on it. I monitored for 1 month and i had a strong feel that he is. brought him to a private psychologist and spend about 700 for the diagnostic test and report. straight away we was told that there are signs of dyslexia in him.
I was relieved actually. because at least I know why he has got low self esteem and having problems with reading and spelling. I apply him to get into DAS (dyslexia association of Singapore) which is funded by gvt. waited for almost half a year before placement into Tampines branch.
The monthly fees is crazily high at 700 plus per term. Which is 230 per month. Thank God my bursary application got approved and I’m paying 10% of what is required.
During the process of getting him to the psychologist everything, I met with many obstacles. Hubby was e one who supported me throughout the whole process. He encouraged me tgt with my sister. Really appreciate it very much.
The kindergarten school especially, persuading me that Adriel is alright. If he is dyslexic then a lot of students will be already etc. Even after getting the report, Principal called and advice me not to place him into the intervention programme by DAS, worrying the stigma of having labelled as dyslexic by others. I appreciate the school giving advices but I believe my own observation and the professional report.
I talked to many parents at DAS, some actually only got in this year and their kids are in primary 6 already! one of them actually know something is wrong at primary 3. but teachers said it is alright, have to practice more and study more etc. keep dragging until primary 5 and got kan chiong because PSLE is near. the mum finally brought her to psychologist and found out it is dyslexia. the mum regretted so much not to stand on own beliefs. And the poor girl is struggling up till now and have so much to catch up.
Actually Lee Kuan Yew have dyslexia as well. so it doesn’t mean having dyslexia is not smart. lol!!
If i get offer from Temasek Poly, i will need time management to monitor the kid’s homework etc. at the same time doing my own. LOL!! Both are equally important though. At least I will graduate when the eldest one in primary 2. Which is still their honeymoon period of primary school.
overslept today and didn’t cook breakfast and lunch for hubby! i need to stop my 赖床 habit!!!
Signing off with lots of things in mind,
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Enduring through low point of life
Gonna send out the documents to Temasek poly today!
I pray hard that I will get a placement.
Was at mum’s place yesterday and enjoyed a few rounds of mahjong with sis and mum=D Sis getting married in Oct and many preparation to be done these few months. She is looking forward to having her own family soon. and of course she is planning for her bb right after marriage. Gave her some experiences I had in family/marriage life but sort of diff because she gets the normal route to the next phase of life. Apply BTO, get married, move in to new house and get a baby. For me is the other way round, Have baby, get married, apply BTO and move in to new house. LOL!!!
Hubby and I got married about 1 year after we got together. Which means I was pregnant after 6 months tgt. Crazy right?! I felt that I must be crazy when I am only 16 years old. LOL!!
Recently got to know that one of my friend got pregnant with her long relationship boyfriend. CONGRATS man! Age seriously doesn’t matter, it depends on our own maturity. I believe she will have a great time ahead creating her own family. And my prayers will be with her and her little one :)
As the post title says, I am trying my very best to stay positive with all the endurance needed for the current situation. Trying to make the best out of the worst situation.
I believe as a woman, it is ok to go through rich and poor with my family. I just need the man to be supportive and to go through all these in harmony. Most family bonds broke because of financial difficulties, quarrels, fights between the 2 adults often begins with $$$$$. I try my best to prevent simply cause I came from a family with this bloody problem. And it seriously made a damn big impact in my life.
I don’t believe in fairytale. Those looks-like-perfect relationship only happens in drama.
Contacted one of my old customer who is a property agent to check out for my friend. Surprisingly he still remember me! I did his mum’s place 3 years back and he came back to me when his got his own place but too bad I was not in the industry already.
I am a person who enjoys knowing people from different walks of life. It made my connections wider and boosts my knowledge and communication skills. Hubby said to me before my mouth is non-stop kind. LOL. I can talk about everything under the sun. and i love doing it.
Now, when I am not able to do so, I BLOG!!! When you have so much words to say, the best thing to turn to is my computer. Adriel and Beldon is too young to understand what I am talking to as well. Big Thanks to the good people who gave me the IMAC. I believe apple captured an alien, it is amazing! LOL.
Still waiting patiently for my AHG letter from HDB to sign the agreement of lease. once we collect keys in 2018, the rental unit will have to return to hdb within 4 months. its quite rushing for me i feel. lol.
Neighbours here are good and it is quite convenient with lots of shops just opposite my current flat. Hopefully punggol will be as convenient huh. With e shopping centre near to the development I chose ,it is definitely a plus point.
We chose to give up on the previous one we balloted back in 2011, Waterway Ridges. Given the income that time we had no grant no cpf contributions. Monthly instalment is almost 1.3k for a 4 room flat. We got a good queue number and paid the deposit before cancelling.
Luckily we did not sign the AOL that round, if not we will need to pay 5% of purchase price!!! and it is almost impossible to service the mortgage loan given the current situation and it will strain us out slogging through that 30 years.
Changing to a 3 room flat with grants will only require less than 50% of what we are going to pay for the 4 room. Gonna be much smaller but i believe we can make do with it.
I saw a photo in FB which I nearly fainted. I was so DAMN BLOODY FAT!! This is taken in 2011.
And finally much more better now
Ok i admit the last photo is edited with lightings. BUT 没有 EDIT FACE HOR!
I look much like a human now. I gave birth in 2009 to beldon. HOW THE HELL DID I GET SO FAT AFTER 2 FUCKING YEARS OF CHILDBIRTH!!
When i was so tempted to cook maggi at 12am yesterday, I saw these pics and I gave up the idea, went to sleep. because I DONT WANT TO GO BACK TO THAT PIG LOOK!
This is how hubby and i look like in 2006. Im 16 and he is 22. how time flies right. if only i get get back to the 16-year-old figure. Hubby looks so young too!! he is ageing fast now because of the stress lol!
enough of pictures of me. LOL!
lets see the kids photo to bring back e appetite for today’s dinner
LOL. i think hubby will miss that period of time:)
Endurance while struggling. making the best out of the worst=D
Stay positive everyone!
Signing off,
with mixed feelings
I pray hard that I will get a placement.
Was at mum’s place yesterday and enjoyed a few rounds of mahjong with sis and mum=D Sis getting married in Oct and many preparation to be done these few months. She is looking forward to having her own family soon. and of course she is planning for her bb right after marriage. Gave her some experiences I had in family/marriage life but sort of diff because she gets the normal route to the next phase of life. Apply BTO, get married, move in to new house and get a baby. For me is the other way round, Have baby, get married, apply BTO and move in to new house. LOL!!!
Hubby and I got married about 1 year after we got together. Which means I was pregnant after 6 months tgt. Crazy right?! I felt that I must be crazy when I am only 16 years old. LOL!!
Recently got to know that one of my friend got pregnant with her long relationship boyfriend. CONGRATS man! Age seriously doesn’t matter, it depends on our own maturity. I believe she will have a great time ahead creating her own family. And my prayers will be with her and her little one :)
As the post title says, I am trying my very best to stay positive with all the endurance needed for the current situation. Trying to make the best out of the worst situation.
I believe as a woman, it is ok to go through rich and poor with my family. I just need the man to be supportive and to go through all these in harmony. Most family bonds broke because of financial difficulties, quarrels, fights between the 2 adults often begins with $$$$$. I try my best to prevent simply cause I came from a family with this bloody problem. And it seriously made a damn big impact in my life.
I don’t believe in fairytale. Those looks-like-perfect relationship only happens in drama.
Contacted one of my old customer who is a property agent to check out for my friend. Surprisingly he still remember me! I did his mum’s place 3 years back and he came back to me when his got his own place but too bad I was not in the industry already.
I am a person who enjoys knowing people from different walks of life. It made my connections wider and boosts my knowledge and communication skills. Hubby said to me before my mouth is non-stop kind. LOL. I can talk about everything under the sun. and i love doing it.
Now, when I am not able to do so, I BLOG!!! When you have so much words to say, the best thing to turn to is my computer. Adriel and Beldon is too young to understand what I am talking to as well. Big Thanks to the good people who gave me the IMAC. I believe apple captured an alien, it is amazing! LOL.
Still waiting patiently for my AHG letter from HDB to sign the agreement of lease. once we collect keys in 2018, the rental unit will have to return to hdb within 4 months. its quite rushing for me i feel. lol.
Neighbours here are good and it is quite convenient with lots of shops just opposite my current flat. Hopefully punggol will be as convenient huh. With e shopping centre near to the development I chose ,it is definitely a plus point.
We chose to give up on the previous one we balloted back in 2011, Waterway Ridges. Given the income that time we had no grant no cpf contributions. Monthly instalment is almost 1.3k for a 4 room flat. We got a good queue number and paid the deposit before cancelling.
Luckily we did not sign the AOL that round, if not we will need to pay 5% of purchase price!!! and it is almost impossible to service the mortgage loan given the current situation and it will strain us out slogging through that 30 years.
Changing to a 3 room flat with grants will only require less than 50% of what we are going to pay for the 4 room. Gonna be much smaller but i believe we can make do with it.
I saw a photo in FB which I nearly fainted. I was so DAMN BLOODY FAT!! This is taken in 2011.
this taken in bkk 2011
Slightly better in 2012
Ok i admit the last photo is edited with lightings. BUT 没有 EDIT FACE HOR!
I look much like a human now. I gave birth in 2009 to beldon. HOW THE HELL DID I GET SO FAT AFTER 2 FUCKING YEARS OF CHILDBIRTH!!
When i was so tempted to cook maggi at 12am yesterday, I saw these pics and I gave up the idea, went to sleep. because I DONT WANT TO GO BACK TO THAT PIG LOOK!
This is how hubby and i look like in 2006. Im 16 and he is 22. how time flies right. if only i get get back to the 16-year-old figure. Hubby looks so young too!! he is ageing fast now because of the stress lol!
enough of pictures of me. LOL!
lets see the kids photo to bring back e appetite for today’s dinner
LOL. i think hubby will miss that period of time:)
Endurance while struggling. making the best out of the worst=D
Stay positive everyone!
Signing off,
with mixed feelings
Monday, June 16, 2014
Charging forward to my dream
Congrats to my dearest Serene on passing her exams!! one big step forward to pursuing her dreams! and also hy graduating from NAFA.
Although we wasted the initial part of our studying-life in sec school, doesn't mean that we are not able to excel. Life isn’t a bed of roses for us, but we put in all our effort for a better future. we don't have the privilege to study and NOT working. we don’t have the means to just enrol ourselves into an overseas college. we slog through and to be financially independent while pursuing studies. we should be proud of ourselves right! LOL
I decided to apply for diploma at TP which will be commencing in Oct. took me some effort to persuade hubby for his consent. or probably argue should be a better word. lol. some rules he set upon before he gave me the support. and mama will be looking after the kids at my own house when i have my lessons. but again, i will still be waiting for the offer letter after i submit my particulars. I believe God will have it all planned out for me.
“Do not let fear become the obstacle of your life” Because of this sentence, i decided to charge forward to what I am afraid of. I was taken aback by the thoughts of studying. I do not know whether will I be able to do it given the ability now. I cannot afford to fail and remodel, not even a single subject. it will take me 2.5years to complete the diploma and hopefully everything will be good.
I was watching the testimony of Huang guo lun, a taiwan artiste, and i realise no one is too late for chasing our own dreams. IF YOU NEVER TRY, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW.
will be registering Adriel to primary school next month. parents of his classmates envy my age as they are 12 years older than me on average. But i told them, there are many sacrifices when you have your kids at a young age. for me, it was 17years old when i am pregnant with Adriel. Seriously, the road is NOT easy at all. Thank God I managed to walk through all these years.
Signing off with a determined heart, 12.20pm
Although we wasted the initial part of our studying-life in sec school, doesn't mean that we are not able to excel. Life isn’t a bed of roses for us, but we put in all our effort for a better future. we don't have the privilege to study and NOT working. we don’t have the means to just enrol ourselves into an overseas college. we slog through and to be financially independent while pursuing studies. we should be proud of ourselves right! LOL
I decided to apply for diploma at TP which will be commencing in Oct. took me some effort to persuade hubby for his consent. or probably argue should be a better word. lol. some rules he set upon before he gave me the support. and mama will be looking after the kids at my own house when i have my lessons. but again, i will still be waiting for the offer letter after i submit my particulars. I believe God will have it all planned out for me.
“Do not let fear become the obstacle of your life” Because of this sentence, i decided to charge forward to what I am afraid of. I was taken aback by the thoughts of studying. I do not know whether will I be able to do it given the ability now. I cannot afford to fail and remodel, not even a single subject. it will take me 2.5years to complete the diploma and hopefully everything will be good.
I was watching the testimony of Huang guo lun, a taiwan artiste, and i realise no one is too late for chasing our own dreams. IF YOU NEVER TRY, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW.
will be registering Adriel to primary school next month. parents of his classmates envy my age as they are 12 years older than me on average. But i told them, there are many sacrifices when you have your kids at a young age. for me, it was 17years old when i am pregnant with Adriel. Seriously, the road is NOT easy at all. Thank God I managed to walk through all these years.
Signing off with a determined heart, 12.20pm
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Beautiful Sunday
Boss is working today so here i am at home with the kids. Yesterday night had a good session at church with a real funny speaker. the title of the sermon was " how to live with a husband who is so weird". LOL. it got me thinking through the night to improve on my marriage-hood.
Submissive to husband is not inferiority or passivity. I FULLY AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT. And Man always want woman to look inferior to boost their own self-esteem.
The speaker shared about what a husband/partner needs. Put it simple, they just need encouragement and support. For eg. When e man comes home with a problem, we will always say " you see la, i tell you already. blah blah blah". this will spoil the communication between both parties. Agree or no?
anyway, i believe all man needs some kind of encouragement and support no matter how strong they are. when they come home with a problem, we think of a solution together and not trying to reprimand them for the things which already happened. the speaker add on, of course is not that we turn a blind eye to all the mistakes our partner does. we just have to talk at the right time with the right tone.
yeah, sometimes when man have affair outside. it is not necessary that the adulteress is prettier or sexier, perhaps she can be the worst looking woman on earth. but she is able to give the man the feel of his own self-worthiness which at home he will be facing the mother-like-wife who pull them down whenever they can.
Speaker said: woman, respect your husband/partner. Men, love your wife. I agree no more with this statement. Love and respect is mutual. I believe if a man loves his partner, she will definitely give the deserved respect.
Having said that, I am no saint to perfect my marriage-hood.but rather, to improve it as we goes along. Having strong thoughts to go back to study. targeting at diploma in BA at TP. need a serious discussion to see what hubby thinks of this as well. there are many areas which need to be taken care of before i can squeeze out the time.
Because i am a stay-at-home-mum doesn't mean I'm free LOL. instead, it is often a busy day for me. And having someone to take over my roles for 3 evenings a week isn't easy. hope discussion with hubby will be a fruitful one. I am suspecting my ability to study now. LOL. thats why the hesitation on the idea for studying. Its been donkey years since I had an exam, i wonder if the brain will function properly.
Moving into a new house of our own after 8years of marriage was not an easy task. Thank God there are many helpful friends around us who gave us support, the encouragement, the gifts and the help. You guys will never be forgotten *smiles*
Finally it seems that I am settling well emotionally. Initially, it feels strange with just e kids and me most of the time. because back at my mum's place, my sis and mum are around quite often. After awhile, i got used to it and a new lease of life begins! LOL. having our own place definitely boosts the communication between hubby and me.
Signing off with lots of love, 2.29pm
Submissive to husband is not inferiority or passivity. I FULLY AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT. And Man always want woman to look inferior to boost their own self-esteem.
The speaker shared about what a husband/partner needs. Put it simple, they just need encouragement and support. For eg. When e man comes home with a problem, we will always say " you see la, i tell you already. blah blah blah". this will spoil the communication between both parties. Agree or no?
anyway, i believe all man needs some kind of encouragement and support no matter how strong they are. when they come home with a problem, we think of a solution together and not trying to reprimand them for the things which already happened. the speaker add on, of course is not that we turn a blind eye to all the mistakes our partner does. we just have to talk at the right time with the right tone.
yeah, sometimes when man have affair outside. it is not necessary that the adulteress is prettier or sexier, perhaps she can be the worst looking woman on earth. but she is able to give the man the feel of his own self-worthiness which at home he will be facing the mother-like-wife who pull them down whenever they can.
Speaker said: woman, respect your husband/partner. Men, love your wife. I agree no more with this statement. Love and respect is mutual. I believe if a man loves his partner, she will definitely give the deserved respect.
Having said that, I am no saint to perfect my marriage-hood.but rather, to improve it as we goes along. Having strong thoughts to go back to study. targeting at diploma in BA at TP. need a serious discussion to see what hubby thinks of this as well. there are many areas which need to be taken care of before i can squeeze out the time.
Because i am a stay-at-home-mum doesn't mean I'm free LOL. instead, it is often a busy day for me. And having someone to take over my roles for 3 evenings a week isn't easy. hope discussion with hubby will be a fruitful one. I am suspecting my ability to study now. LOL. thats why the hesitation on the idea for studying. Its been donkey years since I had an exam, i wonder if the brain will function properly.
Moving into a new house of our own after 8years of marriage was not an easy task. Thank God there are many helpful friends around us who gave us support, the encouragement, the gifts and the help. You guys will never be forgotten *smiles*
Finally it seems that I am settling well emotionally. Initially, it feels strange with just e kids and me most of the time. because back at my mum's place, my sis and mum are around quite often. After awhile, i got used to it and a new lease of life begins! LOL. having our own place definitely boosts the communication between hubby and me.
Signing off with lots of love, 2.29pm
Thursday, June 12, 2014
back to blogging
I was looking for my labour story and dig out this full-of-spider webs-blog.
Reading through all the posts since 2007,I am full of emotions. There are just so much Ive been through and I didn't even realise I was that strong! LOL
Decided to make the blog public accessible. and of course back to blogging frequently. At last 10 years later, I can read back on my own post and its like going through a memory lane. Blogging with a different situation now. back to stay-at-home-mum role taking care of my two little ones. previous business closed down and bye-bye to all the extravagant lifestyle.
hubby got himself a down-to-earth job taking home a humble pay every month. If i were to ask myself will i miss the lifestyle in the past, i would say not all but just some. I miss the times where we don't have to worry about where our next meal will be. having more than enough every month instead of just making ends meet now. But again, having more than enough doesn't mean rich. e more u have, e more u spend.
Ive been through the ups and downs of life and indeed it make me stronger every time. I STRONGLY believe that there will be a chance for us to leave poverty very soon. and we will be able to do it!! As for now, we just have to keep a healthy mindset, taking whatever is coming. good thing is I'm blessed with the current relationship with my hubby and the kids. been a homemaker for 1.5years and the kids are growing much healthier with stronger family bonds.
But then again, I believe e man will want to excel more in his life. probably the time isn't right yet.
the failure this time round is a painful lesson and a having big impact on my life. BUT but but. I am not going to bow down to fate or whatever u call it. I have never give up on myself again just waiting for the right time. slowly clearing the debts one by one. although it seems to be never-ending.
Im holding on to that day which we are debt-free. always have the strong urge to head back to workforce but the situation doesn't permit. I will endure another 1.5 years when the kids will be in primary school!!
its june holidays for the kids and I'm basically rotting at home almost everyday *CRIES*
Decided to make the blog public accessible. and of course back to blogging frequently. At last 10 years later, I can read back on my own post and its like going through a memory lane. Blogging with a different situation now. back to stay-at-home-mum role taking care of my two little ones. previous business closed down and bye-bye to all the extravagant lifestyle.
hubby got himself a down-to-earth job taking home a humble pay every month. If i were to ask myself will i miss the lifestyle in the past, i would say not all but just some. I miss the times where we don't have to worry about where our next meal will be. having more than enough every month instead of just making ends meet now. But again, having more than enough doesn't mean rich. e more u have, e more u spend.
Ive been through the ups and downs of life and indeed it make me stronger every time. I STRONGLY believe that there will be a chance for us to leave poverty very soon. and we will be able to do it!! As for now, we just have to keep a healthy mindset, taking whatever is coming. good thing is I'm blessed with the current relationship with my hubby and the kids. been a homemaker for 1.5years and the kids are growing much healthier with stronger family bonds.
But then again, I believe e man will want to excel more in his life. probably the time isn't right yet.
the failure this time round is a painful lesson and a having big impact on my life. BUT but but. I am not going to bow down to fate or whatever u call it. I have never give up on myself again just waiting for the right time. slowly clearing the debts one by one. although it seems to be never-ending.
Im holding on to that day which we are debt-free. always have the strong urge to head back to workforce but the situation doesn't permit. I will endure another 1.5 years when the kids will be in primary school!!
its june holidays for the kids and I'm basically rotting at home almost everyday *CRIES*
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