Not much of happening over the weekend. lol.
Church on sat and back to mum place on Sunday. Supposed to bring the kids to pasir ris park on Sunday with hubby. but the scorching sun is really too much for us.
Lunch with the girls yesterday was great! although a simple lunch at coffeeshop, it is still enjoyed very much. lol. I am grateful and blessed to have 2 wonderful girls in my life. we sort each other advices regardless of small or big issues. Because we know that we will have the true advices. we don’t fake ourselves and give advices which are nice to the ear but doesn’t benefit at all. Some people who like to boasts about the number of friends they have, how good the friendship is etc. It is just a show to others lol. we don’t take photos often and post in social media to tell the world we are best of the best friends. LOL. What good does it do to tell the whole world about having so many friends but none are true?
Kids are starting their school soon and back to the busy life again. the thought of travelling to Tampines and walking 10 mins journey to Adriel’s DAS school every sat morning puts me off seriously. But for the sake of his education, I need to endure!!!! Just 1 term of tuition 2 hours every week, he can write sentences and read. before he start, he can’t even read a simple word like dog or cat.
What happened to him is that he is a dyslexic child. It is not some kind of illness or what. It is a difficulty in reading and his brain works differently from majority of the children. Thank God that he is consider a mild case and I noticed it early.
Last year, while I was coaching him at home with assessment books, i nearly bang the wall because he simply does not understand what i am talking about. Even with simple words like he, she,we, he can’t remember the first word after few seconds. I admit I was stressed and at the same time I stressed him out as well. I realised that he have a problem there and I approached my step sister who have 2 children in primary school.
She told me her daughter is dyslexic and I research more on it. I monitored for 1 month and i had a strong feel that he is. brought him to a private psychologist and spend about 700 for the diagnostic test and report. straight away we was told that there are signs of dyslexia in him.
I was relieved actually. because at least I know why he has got low self esteem and having problems with reading and spelling. I apply him to get into DAS (dyslexia association of Singapore) which is funded by gvt. waited for almost half a year before placement into Tampines branch.
The monthly fees is crazily high at 700 plus per term. Which is 230 per month. Thank God my bursary application got approved and I’m paying 10% of what is required.
During the process of getting him to the psychologist everything, I met with many obstacles. Hubby was e one who supported me throughout the whole process. He encouraged me tgt with my sister. Really appreciate it very much.
The kindergarten school especially, persuading me that Adriel is alright. If he is dyslexic then a lot of students will be already etc. Even after getting the report, Principal called and advice me not to place him into the intervention programme by DAS, worrying the stigma of having labelled as dyslexic by others. I appreciate the school giving advices but I believe my own observation and the professional report.
I talked to many parents at DAS, some actually only got in this year and their kids are in primary 6 already! one of them actually know something is wrong at primary 3. but teachers said it is alright, have to practice more and study more etc. keep dragging until primary 5 and got kan chiong because PSLE is near. the mum finally brought her to psychologist and found out it is dyslexia. the mum regretted so much not to stand on own beliefs. And the poor girl is struggling up till now and have so much to catch up.
Actually Lee Kuan Yew have dyslexia as well. so it doesn’t mean having dyslexia is not smart. lol!!
If i get offer from Temasek Poly, i will need time management to monitor the kid’s homework etc. at the same time doing my own. LOL!! Both are equally important though. At least I will graduate when the eldest one in primary 2. Which is still their honeymoon period of primary school.
overslept today and didn’t cook breakfast and lunch for hubby! i need to stop my 赖床 habit!!!
Signing off with lots of things in mind,
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