

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A post to be remembered

Nothing special to blog about in my life actually. nothing interesting when I’m staying at home everyday right. Except for doing the chores, market-ing, cooking and surfing the net.

It is gonna be friday tomorrow and I should restrain myself from looking at fb at night. There will be tons of food pictures.

This sunday will be combined service at suntec for the church at 4pm. to go or not to go? 出去又要花钱. damn sian. Dress code will be white because of the pink dot on sat.

Our church pastor has been very outspoken on the pink dot LGBT issue from the start. I agree with what he means by, we are not discriminating them. we just don’t want to normalise it in singapore. I can’t help but to think for my kids and the future generations to come. I am not implying that LGBT is abnormal or whatever. ultimately they are still humans created by God. there are great people in them as well. But i am more concern to educate my kids though. not to tell them that they can choose either sex for their future partners and it is normal.

There are many many people who will definitely shoot me back la. but wait till you have kids and u tell me if that will be acceptable ya?

I am waiting patiently for 2 important letters to come. Signing agreement of lease from HDB and offer letter from temasek poly.

Pulling myself out of bed at 5.30am every morning to make hubb breakfast and lunch for him to bring to work. luckily i am able to sleep back after i finished. and he is gaining weight for sure. LOL. imagine his breakfast is 3 pieces of bread with cheese and egg with ALOT of mayo(he requested), and lunch is 2x normal portion of rice with fried yong tau fu or nuggets etc. Whatever it is, it is still healthier than hawker food.

I seldom eat out nowadays, cannot take the overloaded MSG and salt. ate the curry rice with serene and hy at bedok inter and for the rest of the day i feel so dehydrated.

now i know why i lost 10+kg since i become a stay-at-home-mum. I cook for my own meals and i use much much lesser oil. if you are reading my blog and want to lose weight, this is what i do:

Boil my own pork bone or chicken stock. put into the fridge and remove all the oil e next day (it will be floating up). When you are hungry, take some stock, put in the ingredients u like to eat, for me is usually yong tau fu or mince chicken/pork with tang hoon or beehoon and lots and lots of vege.

Cheap, healthy and don’t need to starve. LOL!!!

For a start i actually didn’t plan to lose weight. slowly when i realise my weight is dropping. then i decided to have a target weight of 50kg and will stop. its getting stuck at 53 and i give up on dieting.

Actually 很简单,没钱自然会瘦。

that explains when i was earning the most i am a whooping 65kg! didn’t think of dieting at that time la. earning money was the important thing in my mind! until when become broke then feel that i should be keeping myself in shape. i don’t want people to say “你看,她好像auntie酱。才24岁 leh”. without money as sense of security, this is the best thing i can give to myself.

i was “reminiscing” last year events when we just close the company. that was a crazy period for us! really grateful that I’ve been through that transition period and i dunno how we did that. When you decided enough is enough, you close the company stop all the earnings and dunno where your next meal will fall on where and at the same time you have got HEAVY debts behind you.

Within 1 month, hubby got himself a job and I took the kids out of the private childcare and enrolled them into government’s kindergarten. we did a 180 degrees change in lifestyle and i try my best to adapt to it. the most difficult issue to handle is the debts. and damn the debt collector hired by suppliers. they gave me hell of a time.

Up till now, debts are still not totally cleared yet. but slowly and steadily it is progressing. and i thank god that everything is falling into place now.

Some might ask, why close down such a good business? to be honest, we actually wanted to close back in 2012. held back and the debts started to roll and roll. the ball gets bigger and bigger until i decided to stop. too many “events” going on that period of time. I don’t blame anyone except myself. whatever it is, there is actually solution to a negative business. I just got too emotional. Anyway, that was the past and what is important is the present and future. the reason i am penning it down because i can read back maybe 5 or 10 years later? lol. Getting rich in future or not, 我不强求. perhaps just a moderate lifestyle with stable income.

Since my blog is now open to public. there will be people who read and judge me. go ahead and judge whatever you can. lol. I have the guts to write down all these and i don’t care how you gonna see me. Sorry but i am not someone who paints a beautiful portrait of my life trying to make people jealous or envy la.


Signing off with memories,


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